Retired? Need Some Extra Cash?Written by Joe Clare
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Next is question, "What kind of Internet business should I look at?" I am going to suggest eBay. eBay is an online auction community allowing it's members opportunity to both buy and sell items online. The eBay site is very easy to use. You won't even need any inventory to get you started! Why? Well, you know all that stuff around your home you've been wanting to get rid of, sell it on eBay. That's right, sell it on eBay. You can clean out your closets, basement, or garage and make some extra cash at same time. As well if you have a hobby making crafts, these items can be sold on eBay too. Selling on eBay can be a most rewarding venture. Once you get your closets cleaned out ;-) you can then graduate to using dropshippers, from there maybe using liquidators. The sky is limit, products are endless. If you have something worth selling, you are bound to find someone on eBay who wants to buy it. So, if you are looking for some part-time work to make that extra cash. Work for yourself, have a look at eBay! Happy Selling! Joe Clare

Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to succeed on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
| | Starting Your Own Redecorating Business: The first key steps.Written by Julie Dana
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These are government-operated programs focusing on helping small businesses get started and flourish. They will help you make a business plan and budget – very critical steps. Now best part is that appointments are usually free. Ask them to send you a kit on how to start your business because each state may be different in where to file legal papers. The SBDC will help you with easiest order of steps such opening a commercial bank account, where to file your business name, getting listed in yellow pages, etc. Find SBDC near you by going to 3. Take a training program Now first two steps have not cost you too much but third step will. I highly recommend that you take a hands-on professional redecorating training program. Yes, I know that they are a lot of money (can be 2 to 3 thousand for week) but I would not even think about going into this business without a strong background in not just what makes a house looks good, but how to market this niche area, how to work with clients (like how to tell a client that lime green carpet and moose head have to go) In your favorite search engine type in phrase “Interior Redesign training” or “ Home Staging training” When I took training programs I was mental and physically exhausted at end of week, I felt it was well worth money. I still refer to my training manuals and network with my creative classmates. Just like any other consumer purchase, be sure to research company and check references. (There are people who claim you can download their book and start a thriving redecorating business. I do not recommend that method) My biggest advice is that decorating may be your passion but you need to treat it like a business to get paid for it. Once you get paid for it then, believe me, you will love to decorate even more!

Julie Dana is a professional Interior Redesigner and Accredited Staging Professional. Her company, The Home Stylist, offers online decorating consultations, do-it-yourself decorating plans and real-estate staging. Visit to take a fun style quiz, vote on a color poll, and sign up for free decorating e-newsletter.