
Written by Dr. P.C. Simon

Continued from page 1
To escape responsibility, we ascribe all personal qualities to heredity and environment. Another cop out is "I can't help it. It is my nature. It is my make-up. I have been doing it every since I was a child, I can't change now. An old dog cannot be taught new tricks. Your belief systems, your preconceived ideas are like blinders. You are responsible for your blinders. If you wear them red, you see danger where you look. For all our actions, we had our choice. When we make a choice, we have to acceptrepparttar responsibility for that choice. Some try to make you angry, but making yourself angry is your choice. You do not have to react to something someone says or does. I am not saying that you will not get angry if prodded but I can say that you do not have to give that personrepparttar 122927 power to control your emotions. Your emotions are yours and not for others to manipulate. The best way to avoid being manipulated is to recognizerepparttar 122928 act of others to manipulate us. For example, someone might cut right in front of you and get you upset,repparttar 122929 more it happens to you,repparttar 122930 more you get upset. Why? Because your resistance to people cutting in front of you is creating a force which will cause its actualization. When you stop resisting, such actions will happen less frequently. It might happen but one thing is certain, you will not be upset and therefore may not even notice it happening. The story of Zachias is typical. He was a dwarf and did not want to be seen by Jesus because he was a tax collector. It was customary that tax collectors grabbed more thanrepparttar 122931 stipulated tax and pocketedrepparttar 122932 excess. This is immoral and Zachias knew it. So, he did not want to be seen by Jesus. Therefore, he did not come torepparttar 122933 front ofrepparttar 122934 crowd. He got intorepparttar 122935 tree and hid himself among its branches but he was afraid, "Will Jesus see me?" What happened? When Jesus, who was walking along noticingrepparttar 122936 needs ofrepparttar 122937 people thronging to him, reachedrepparttar 122938 tree, he looked up and said, "Zachias, come down. I will dine with you tonight." Job saidrepparttar 122939 same thing, namely "The thing I feared most has come upon me." Zachias' agitation, his desire to see Jesus and his fear that Jesus would see him was actually causingrepparttar 122940 very air to literally vibrate. So we are creating these negative events by concentrating on them. Therefore, take responsibility. In "The Autobiography of a Yogi", we read that Yogananda left his door open forrepparttar 122941 thief to walk in and takerepparttar 122942 cabbages away from underrepparttar 122943 cot where they were hidden. The thief did not takerepparttar 122944 money on top ofrepparttar 122945 cot because Yogananda was more concerned aboutrepparttar 122946 cabbages. His thought proddedrepparttar 122947 thief towardrepparttar 122948 cabbages. My paternal family is known to be intolerant, impatient, easily provoked and explosive. My mother used to tease my father saying, "I can make you set fire torepparttar 122949 house right now." He recognized what she meant and would reply, "I am not such a fool as to be manipulated by you." So, recognize your weakness. Do not fall for manipulation, Even when our car is hit from behind, we have to take responsibility. If we had watched, we would have known thatrepparttar 122950 one following us was too close and we should not apply brakes suddenly or we should warn him of that possibility by applyingrepparttar 122951 brakes momentarily and releasing them. Whatever happens to us happens because we make it happen. If we are sick, over sleep, dream a bad dream, quarrel with our girlfriend of boyfriend, we make these things happen. In fact, there are no accidents. Take responsibility for what happens to you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dr. Simon is a retired research microbiologist, philanthropist, philosopher and author. Among his publications is the Missing Piece to Paradise and the Philosopher’s Notebook visit his website at

What is success and how do we achieve it?

Written by John Watson

Continued from page 1

It does not matter if you are 72 - grab hold of your dream. Actually visualize your hand holding on to that dream. Too many people are worn down by life and give up their dreams.

Every dream is personal butrepparttar principle isrepparttar 122926 same. You are an idiot if you let go. You have to have a reason for living. Set yourself a goal and never let go until you die.

There is nothing you can't do. If you can't swim 10 lengths without a rest, train for a few months and you will be able to swim 50 lengths.

Danny's comments about swimming reminded me about how little is taught at school about how training can improve your abilities.

At my school inrepparttar 122927 Isle of Man, there was an annual half mile swim inrepparttar 122928 sea. I knew I would drown if I attempted this but no one ever suggested that I start training hard so that I would be capable of completingrepparttar 122929 swim.

I was just classified as someone who could not dorepparttar 122930 swim. It did not occur to me that through determined training I would be able to do what I could not previously do.

When Danny was young he was a skinny weakling. But one day he decided that this was not a good thing. He filled out and did some weight training and set up his own fitness, strength and flexibility routine.

He performs this every other day. This avoidsrepparttar 122931 boredom of a daily routine. He does 200 situps, 30-50 leg raises and three or four sets of 20-30 bench presses.

He also does 2 sets of 20 or 30 squats with dumbells to develop leg power. The dumbbells avoidrepparttar 122932 danger of overbalancing with a barbell across your shoulders. There is also little likelihood that you will droprepparttar 122933 dumbbells on children or family pets! Dumbells allow for greater control than barbells.

Danny's advice for success is to do something. If in doubt, read a book. The worst thing you can do is sit on your backside watching TV. If you do, nothing will ever happen. He notesrepparttar 122934 hypnotic effect of TV onrepparttar 122935 spectators. Danny, himself, seldom ever watches TV.

Danny also is impressed by Arnold Schwarzenegger who has just been elected Governor of California. If Arnold wants something, he does what is necessary to get that thing. If he had to eat 50 mars bars, he would eat them. If he had to stand stark naked on his head in a field for half an hour he would.

This is an example to us all. If you have to put stamps on thousands of envelopes to send out your direct mail sales letters, you just have to do it.

The basic principle is that you have to do what is required. Some things require certain actions to achieve them and you have to do them whether you like doing them or not.

It is no good saying I want to be Governor of California but I don't want to do any public speaking or travel onrepparttar 122936 campaign trail or be friendly to thousands of people you don't like. You have to pick up babies and smile at people you may not like.

If you want to be rich you have to do those things which will make you rich. It's no good saying "I don't really want to do it." Danny gives himself a virtual smack roundrepparttar 122937 head every time he is tempted to give up on his projects.

Some people think they will make money by taking short cuts like suing people or fraud. The world would be a much better place if people just got on with doing what they had to do.

Many successful people stressrepparttar 122938 importance of action in achieving success.

Michael Masterson ofrepparttar 122939 Ezine "Early to Rise" writes:"Action isrepparttar 122940 key to success, and failure to act isrepparttar 122941 reason most people will never achieverepparttar 122942 kind of success they dream about"

Another approach to achieving success is to stay cool about it. Just get on with doing what you think is important and what you love to do.

"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." Sir David Frost

Elvis Presley gave his cousin Donna some advice to help her achieve her goals forrepparttar 122943 future. It seems good advice to me:

Donna's best memory of Elvis was when she was 18 and she spoke to him one on one. He asked her about her plans forrepparttar 122944 future and told her she could achieve anything she wanted "so long as you have faith in God;have faith in yourself; work hard and never let anyone tell you, you can't do something".

Elvis himself had plenty of discouragement which he successfully ignored. The later part of his life was not too successful but as Donna commented, we should focus on what he did achieve which was amazing.

Peter Vidmar explains how he achieved success atrepparttar 122945 Olympic Games:

"There's only two things I had to do to winrepparttar 122946 Olympic gold: Train when I wanted to, and train when I didn't."

This is possibly my favourite quote of all time. It sums uprepparttar 122947 essence of success andrepparttar 122948 will power and discipline necessary to achieve it. Sometimes training will be easy but sometimes it will take effort because one really does not feel like training. This is simple and beautifully easy to understand.

Another quote I like is concerned withrepparttar 122949 kind of success which depends on people liking your work or product

"Success has a simple formula: 'Do your best and people may like it'". Sam Ewing

Any success involves some kind of cost; usually some boring work is involved as suggested inrepparttar 122950 following quote. The word 'drudgery' sums this kind of work up exactly. Almost any kind of business involves marketing and marketing isrepparttar 122951 last thing most businessmen enjoy doing.

"Success isrepparttar 122952 child of drudgery and perseverance. It cannot be coaxed or bribed; payrepparttar 122953 price and it is yours". Orison Swett Marden, 1850-1924.

Mike Litman comes up with golden statements frequently. Here is just one of them:

"The biggest secret of success in life is: You don't have to get it right; you just have to get it going. Perfectionism can kill success. We never get going because we are always waiting to get everything just right. Instead, let's get going."

One success breeds another. Bobby Robson, now over 70, is one of Britain's most successful managers. He should know what creates success. He recently commented about his team's performances:

"Success breeds success"

This makes sense. Write one successful book and you will haverepparttar 122954 confidence to write another. A lady over 70 wrote a book about how to overcomerepparttar 122955 pain of arthritis. It was a huge success to her total amazement and made hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not surprisingly she has now written two more books.

Success is a key goal for most people but it helps to have a clear idea of what success means to you. I hope this article will have shed some light on possible definitions of success and how you can achieve your kind of success.

John Watson is an info publisher on the internet and a martial arts school owner. He taught Religious Studies and Life Skills to teenagers in London schools for about 33 years before retiring in 2000 A.D. His own e-books and those of the English multimillionaire, Stuart Goldsmith, can be found on his site at

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