Responding to Complaints

Written by Jennifer Stewart

Continued from page 1

NOT "... you failed to enclose your cheque ..."

BUT "Your goods are packed and ready for despatch. Immediately on receipt of your cheque, which apparently was overlooked in your original letter, we shall send them as requested."

Sometimes, it is just not possible to giverepparttar customer what he / she wants; and in this case you must exercise extreme tact inrepparttar 129848 wording of your letter.

The best way of refusing is as follows:

1. Begin withrepparttar 129849 refusal - I know it's painful, but it's far better to let your customer know how things stand fromrepparttar 129850 very beginning.

2. Explain, in detail, whyrepparttar 129851 request had to be refused. This way, you haverepparttar 129852 rest of your letter to try to set things right with your customer, and hopefully to end on a positive note (rather than hitting him / her withrepparttar 129853 refusal atrepparttar 129854 end).


repparttar 129855 expression of regret should sound sincere. "I am sorry... " sounds better thanrepparttar 129856 colder, "I regret to inform you "

point out allrepparttar 129857 reasons for refusingrepparttar 129858 request

softenrepparttar 129859 blow by offering some small consideration. It might be a discount on repparttar 129860 next purchase; a voucher for a smaller item (a scarf, tie etc); a complimentary gizmo from another business (with whom you have a reciprocal arrangement); flowers; tickets to a film or whatever

Such 'sweeteners' are worth much more than their cost. Instead of a disgruntled customer, blackening your name, you'll have a happy person, willing to tell everyone her story's happy ending. Listeners will see your side and will say things like, " ...well, they didn't have to do anything really, but wasn't it nice of them?"

N.B. Ifrepparttar 129861 spelling of words like "cheque" in this article worried you, please read this:

Jennifer Stewart offers Home Study courses to improve your own writing skills or professional writing services from her website: Click here for Fee Schedule:


Written by Tim North

Continued from page 1

A CONTRACTION is a shortened form of a word that does include repparttar full word's final letter.

Here are some examples of abbreviations:

Tues. Tuesday approx. approximately doz. dozen Aug. August Prof. Professor Aust. Australia a.m. anti meridian p.m. post meridian i.e. id est e.g. exempli gratia

Abbreviations are followed by a full stop. You can think ofrepparttar 129846 full stop as being a replacement forrepparttar 129847 missing final letter.

Note that abbreviations like "p.m." are actually two separate abbreviations: "p." for "post" and "m." for "meridian."

Here are some examples of contractions. Contractions should not be followed by a full stop as they retainrepparttar 129848 final letter ofrepparttar 129849 original word.

Rd Road govt government St Street ft feet Mr Mister mfg manufacturing Dr Doctor Mme Madame Pty Proprietary Ltd Limited dept department yds yards

* * *

Not everyone will agree with this approach. Still, in my view, distinguishing between abbreviations and contractions is a better way to proceed thanrepparttar 129850 ambiguous definition quoted earlier that relies on you guessing what "often followed by a period" means.

I hope you find this useful.

Tim North

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