Resolve +Enthusiasm = Power

Written by Jackie Stanley

Continued from page 1

Losing weight or living a healthy life is not easy. It may very well berepparttar hardest thing you ever attempt to do. And it may require you to bring for every ounce of your inner strength and personal power. The same wall we encounter during other challenges in life will invariably rear its ugly head in our journey to lose or manage our weight. There will be days when it will seem as ifrepparttar 114207 universe is conspiring to ensure our failure, to force us to give up onrepparttar 114208 goals we set in January by throwing cold water on our enthusiasm.

But don’t fall intorepparttar 114209 enticing trap of negativity. You haverepparttar 114210 capacity to facerepparttar 114211 invariable challenges that lie ahead. You haverepparttar 114212 strength to endure setbacks and disappointments. You haverepparttar 114213 energy to persevere. You have succeeded in other areas of your life, and you can reachrepparttar 114214 goal you have set to live a healthier life.

Jackie Stanley is the creator of a series of personal wellness and weight loss journals titled "Lettuce Is Not Enough." She can be reached at 336.854.8667 or at

Dealing With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Written by Trevor Dumbleton

Continued from page 1

Group treatment is also effective, as it allows people to talk about their feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, or depression with others who feelrepparttar same way. This allows people to get comfortable with one another and talk about their feelings openly and honestly. By gettingrepparttar 114206 issues out inrepparttar 114207 open, it almost spreads it out and allowsrepparttar 114208 trauma to dissipate by opening it up to other people.

However, there are some medications that can be used to help treat post-traumatic stress disorder. Mostly, these drugs are used to treat some ofrepparttar 114209 symptoms of PTSD, such as depression or anxiety, allowingrepparttar 114210 sufferer to at least alleviaterepparttar 114211 condition. Most of these drugs take some time to work before they actually show results so, if you have been put onto medication for PTSD, give it a few weeks before you start expecting relief.

However, studies have shown thatrepparttar 114212 best way to treat post-traumatic stress disorder is to nip it inrepparttar 114213 bud shortly afterrepparttar 114214 trauma has occurred. The usual method is to sit down with someone who has suffered a trauma about 3-10 days afterrepparttar 114215 trauma occurred. This will allowrepparttar 114216 feelings to be fresh, while it also helps people relieverepparttar 114217 trauma by bringing it out before it hides itself inrepparttar 114218 mind. There has been some success with this sort of treatment, though it does requirerepparttar 114219 trauma to be recognized early.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a surprisingly common disorder that often goes unnoticed and untreated. However, with improvements in therapy and medication, there is new hope for those who suffer from this debilitating disorder.

Trevor Dumbleton is the owner of a categorized resource directory for everything to do with stress.

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