Resolutions That Work

Written by Liz Sumner

Continued from page 1

6. Realistic and Measurable It's a whole lot more inspiring to achieve a goal and set a new one then to fail again because you've setrepparttar bar too high. Don't say you'll get torepparttar 123702 gym every day if you know that's next to impossible. Start smaller-- I'll get torepparttar 123703 gym three times a week for a month. I'll walk inrepparttar 123704 door and get a locker. Every day for a month I'll set aside time to do my Artist's Way morning pages and I'll reward myself if I do five days out of seven. Then keep track. Count them. Put a gold star on your calendar. Make a grid and put check marks. Atrepparttar 123705 end ofrepparttar 123706 time period stop and evaluate? If you've set realistic goals and measured them you'll have a sense of accomplishment and valuable information about how to maintain your success or make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

Don't just put another paving stone on that road to hell. Turn those good intentions into accomplishments inrepparttar 123707 new year. On behalf of your downstream self we thank you.

Liz Sumner, M.A. is a Life Coach who specializes in care of the Self with a capital S. For a free 30-minute call to clarify what you truly want contact or visit

The Endless Pursuit Of Happiness

Written by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist

Continued from page 1

Regardless of what we believe to be atrepparttar root of this constant wanting, it seems to take conscious and deliberate effort to experience contentment or satisfaction in our lives — to fully appreciate life, people, andrepparttar 123701 activities we engage in. And, this doesn't mean appreciating things that are hurtful, wrong, or violent, because that would reflect not fully appreciating ourselves or other people.

Instead, it means taking a new look at ourselves, life, andrepparttar 123702 world around us and seeingrepparttar 123703 beauty that is there. It doesn't mean ignoring what isn't right, like violence in our and other countries, but it also doesn't mean denyingrepparttar 123704 good we do see.

It means getting in touch withrepparttar 123705 awe of a child who see magic in everything, who noticesrepparttar 123706 simplest of things and takes great pleasure in them. It means appreciating and valuing yourself,repparttar 123707 people you know, what you've done, and what you are doing. It means slowing down and savouring every moment, or as many moments as possible rather than hurrying along torepparttar 123708 next task.

By noticing more, and by appreciating what is good in their lives (likerepparttar 123709 glass full of fresh clean water), many people find that they begin to feel more content — they find what they were searching for all along.

Kali Munro, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto, Canada. She has twenty years experience specializing in a variety of issues including sexual abuse, relationships, sexuality, eating disorders, and body image. She provides individual and couple therapy in Toronto, as well as online. She offers free healing resources at her web site about relationships, abuse, sexuality, and much more. Check out her inspiring and healing site

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