Residual income awaits only by staying in the game

Written by jack foley

Continued from page 1

If you are going out on your own forrepparttar first time online, I suggest choosing a business where a team is incorporated. There are a multitude of programs where you can still have your own home business but will also work as part of a team. Here if rough times strike, at least you will have more than one head to tap into to solverepparttar 103014 problem. When you are more experienced and would like to do something off your own back, you can always start another venture where mayberepparttar 103015 risk inrepparttar 103016 start-up period would be greater.

Nobody says that online business is easy. Like everywhere there is alot of competition and alot of marketing work must be done in order to drive potential customers to your web site. Don’t expect big returns in this period and don’t let lack of income affect your drive for your business. It’s imperative in these times to keep working diligently to your plan believing that your present work is for future investment. The real question that each individual must ask themselves internally is how far you will go and how determined you are to succeed in creating YOUR OWN business. Ifrepparttar 103017 answer is positive, believe me you are half way there already.

Author Jack Foley works from home in Ireland For more articles and information about Jack's home business, visit his website:

Copyright © Jack Foley All Rights Reserved

Time For Spiritual Entrepreneurship To Go Mainstream

Written by Ina Bliss

Continued from page 1
Can you buy that? Then 'rushing' would no longer mean anything to you, andrepparttar waiting for 'tomorrow' would stop right now. With it would your focus on 'DEATH' and heaven onrepparttar 103013 'OTHER SIDE' (ofrepparttar 103014 Jordan) finally stop. Whenrepparttar 103015 apostasy finally gets lifted andrepparttar 103016 Living Word beyondrepparttar 103017 letter ofrepparttar 103018 bible finally lays open before all humanity, words like OMNIpresence, OMNIpotence and OMNIscience will finally be absorbed, andrepparttar 103019 awareness of perfect design of all things will defy 'old age', 'death', 'disease' and 'poverty'. The Kingdom is STILL at hand, only this time, we were also given a specific prophetic action plan. Business is in no way different for God owns all. Connecting torepparttar 103020 power-source is ALL that matters. Advertising, marketing and competing is simply a human manner of expending energy that could be focused on our best benefits by relaxing and sitting under a tree. The people to whom we 'advertise', 'market' and with whom we 'compete' are run by God, our creator. We do not 'OWN' intelligence, each movement of our body parts is run likerepparttar 103021 one of a marionette, or hologram, byrepparttar 103022 God-head. We cannot and never will be separated from Him. Does He know what your business needs? Sure! Does He know how to coordinaterepparttar 103023 business needs of your enterprise with those of thousands of individuals, or other businesses making perfect customers, subscribers, or clients to you? Of course, He is ever-present, all-knowing and infinitely powerful...ARE YOU? Is Doing What Somebody Else Does Really The Right Thing? It could be, if it's just mechanical, and makes you money, just forrepparttar 103024 moment; only action will never fillrepparttar 103025 void inrepparttar 103026 pit of your tummy. That void, your solar-plexus, orrepparttar 103027 sun of your body, must be fired up byrepparttar 103028 love for Jesus The Christ, and such Fire-baptism will then get your re-birth intorepparttar 103029 4th dimension started. We are not at all to look at 'HOW' things happen, and let God take over while we stand still in divine indifference. Specifically, ifrepparttar 103030 person after whom we are modeling our actions is not instructed in God's true wisdom and follows their own separation-related theory that it is what we 'DO' that matters, and not who we 'ARE', we will probably first have to miserably fail until we finally look up.

This Dr. of Divinity uniquely combines authentic prophecy wisdom, entrepreneurial skill and Internet savvy for your benefit in life and business.

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