Residual Income

Written by Peter Owen

Continued from page 1

There are loads of networking companies so why should you choose us to show you how. Well we believe we have found two companies well worth looking at and we will offer you support from day 1 until you ask us to stop, I am not going to go into detail but we will give you a brief idea of both so you can decide which is best for you.

The first is Telecom Plus newly named Telecom Plusrepparttar Utilities Warehouse, which is (asrepparttar 112624 name suggests) a utilities company. They offer a cheaper phone service,repparttar 112625 cheapest gas and electric (Yes I saidrepparttar 112626 cheapest not cheaper) only if you save money on your phone as well, not bad hey!! . They also offer Mobile Phones, 0800 numbers and an online shop, selling everything from flowers to TV's.

The second company is World Games Inc, an exclusive online gaming company with a casino, sweepstake and a patented private stock market. World Games Inc is purely internet based and can be run from any computer with internet access. My explanation of World Games Inc may be short but don't underestimate it. World Games is new torepparttar 112627 UK and will grow rapidly so join now and riderepparttar 112628 wave to success.

I hope I have given you enough information to enable you to see why residual income is so important. Please check out Telecom Plus and World Games Inc by usingrepparttar 112629 links on our web site at or get back torepparttar 112630 person who sent you to us.

Don't wait for life to pass you by live your dreams today.

Founder of Tall Oak Limited a group of companies who's aim is to help people live there dreams and achieve financial freedom. Other articles and books include 'Retire before 45', 'Limited or not Limited'. Visit for more information.

Legislators Ponder New Credit Protection Laws

Written by James H. Dimmitt

Continued from page 1

At first glance this bill appears to offer valuable credit protections for consumers. However, there are others who feel this legislation either doesn’t do enough or even reduces consumer rights. The proposed federal law could replace tougher laws already in place in some states and that has consumer advocates concerned.

For an in depth analysis of H.R. 2622 by leading consumer advocates, visit

Lawmakers and consumer groups agree that changes need to be made to better protect consumers and their credit rights. Whether or not The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act can address these concerns remains to be seen.

© 2003, Author: James H. Dimmitt James is editor of “To Your Credit” a FREE weekly newsletter for consumers. You can subscribe at

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