
Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

Publishing your own newsletter also helps. It doesn't have to be long or involved, but it should be published on a definite schedule. There is a lot of different thinking on how frequently it should be published. Some people think that a monthly schedule is a waste of time, as people may forget who you are between publications. Some feel that weekly is OK and others, myself included, feel thatrepparttar more exposure you haverepparttar 121945 better.

Whatever frequency you select, it is imperative that it is published on a regular basis. If it is once a week, pick a day that it will be published and stick with it. If you are not going to publish in any given week, be sure to notify your subscribers in advance so they don't wonder what happened.

Building a subscriber base is normally a slow process. You should have a sign-up process on your website. You can use either a form for this or have them send you an email. A form isrepparttar 121946 preferred way as it is immediately identifiable as a subscription when it is received. If you don't use a form, then at least list your email address with subscribe inrepparttar 121947 subject so it doesn't get "trashed" withrepparttar 121948 rest ofrepparttar 121949 spam you receive. Use something that will immediately identify it as a submission like - this way it will automatically insertrepparttar 121950 word "Subscribe" inrepparttar 121951 subject ofrepparttar 121952 email.

Whatever route you take on your road to building your reputation, probablyrepparttar 121953 most important thing to remember is thatrepparttar 121954 memory of most folks is short, and there are thousands of new prospects becoming available everyday. If you hope to do business onrepparttar 121955 web, you must not only build a good reputation, but you must be visible to your prospects on an ongoing and regular basis.

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at to subscribe. As a bonus, get 40,000 FREE E-Books from Larry Dotson, when you visit

Is Electronic Marketing Effective?

Written by Bob Stamper

Continued from page 1

--Another possibility is E-Magazine ads. This type of advertising can be very effective as long as you place ads in magazines that haverepparttar same readership as your target audience. I have found this method of E-Marketing to be quite effective in directing potential customers to my site and even generating additional leads for follow-up. You do want to make sure thatrepparttar 121944 Magazine has a genuine and substantially large opt-in mailing list however.

--Another possibility is of courserepparttar 121945 ever-dreaded topic of e-mail marketing. It is really not that bad. Just make sure you opt-inrepparttar 121946 participants yourself. And I wouldn't trust anyone who wants to sell you an "opt-in list of addresses of people interested in your products or services." If it was really was as described, you probably couldn't pay what it was worth. You will have better success having a company sendrepparttar 121947 e-mails for you to their list of address that they are not willing to sell (which is a good indication that they are really opt-in). And if they are not opt-in, then at least you won't loose your ISP. If you do it right, this can be one ofrepparttar 121948 most effective, and inexpensive forms of E-Marketing available to you.

Bob Stamper. Your small business solution for web site design and Primary DNS hosting

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