Reporting for Microsoft Great Plains/Dynamics/eEnterprise: RW – ReportWriter – tips for developer

Written by Andrew Karasev

Continued from page 1
Advanced ReportWriter programming •Rw_ functions in Great Plains Dexterity. When you need cross-modules data onrepparttar same report (Bill of Lading, which you could produce onrepparttar 138543 base of Picking List) you need to moverepparttar 138544 report you want to customize into your custom DYNAMICS.DIC and fillrepparttar 138545 gaps with RW_ functions – these are allowed to be placed onrepparttar 138546 report with parameters If ReportWriter doesn’t dorepparttar 138547 job: •Crystal Reports. Current version 8.0 and 8.5 (July 2005) are MS SQL Server based, where Crystal Report could work at will and produce allrepparttar 138548 desired links – we recommend you to base Crystal Report on SQL Stored Procedure or SQL View. You call Crystal Report engine via Modifier/VBA – you need Customization Site Enabler license. If you are on Great Plains Standard version: 7.5, or Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise 7.0, 6.0, 5.5 or 5.0 Btrieve/Pervasive SQL/Ctree – you need to install Pervasive SQL driver (or Faircomm driver for Ctree) Good luck with implementation, customization and integration and if you have issues or concerns – we are here to help! If you want us to dorepparttar 138549 job - give us a call 866-528-0577 or 630-961-5918!

Andrew is Great Plains specialist in Alba Spectrum Technologies ( ) – Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Microsoft CRM Partner, serving clients in California, Minnesota, Illinois, Washington, Florida, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Canada, UK, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Russia

How To Give Away Your Personal Information

Written by Erich Heintz

Continued from page 1

I promptly deletedrepparttar cache. The customer didn’t want me to haverepparttar 138495 information, nor did I.

Would You Hand Your Credit Card To A Stranger? ---------------------------------------------- The previous example showed how simple it is to inadvertently reveal a large amount of data. It’s funny how easily a person can dismiss this type of loss. After all, it’s not your data, right?

So let’s get a bit more personal.

Convenience And Computer Security Are Rarely Compatible ------------------------------------------------------- I have a good trust relationship with my next client. She is quite comfortable with me administering and securingrepparttar 138496 corporate network. When it comes to her personal credit card information however, well, not so much.

Pretty much every web browser available these days has quite a few convenience features designed to make your day to day “net experience simpler”. One of these convenience features came into play in this example, specificallyrepparttar 138497 Firefox browser’s auto-completion feature.

Not too long ago, I was tasked by this client to make arrangements for transfer of an internet domain to their ownership. Not a difficult task, she could have handled it herself. She was quite a capable computer user; she just didn’t want to be bothered withrepparttar 138498 process.

I set aside 20 minutes to go through her domain registrar’s step-by-step transfer wizard. I summonedrepparttar 138499 client to explainrepparttar 138500 details ofrepparttar 138501 transfer displayed on my laptop screen. Facingrepparttar 138502 payment options screenrepparttar 138503 client asked if she could proceed. I relinquished control of my laptop and she enteredrepparttar 138504 credit card information required to completerepparttar 138505 transaction.

Web Browsers Cache Your Personal Information -------------------------------------------- Most modern web browsers, for convenience, will cache information entered into web forms. The intent is to be able to recall this information if it’s requested by another form. The following day, I was inrepparttar 138506 process of registering another domain withrepparttar 138507 same registrar and was surprised, for half a second, whenrepparttar 138508 payment screen pre-populated usingrepparttar 138509 same information usedrepparttar 138510 day before. In addition torepparttar 138511 credit card information I also had my client’s personal home address, and telephone number. This was quite a bit of personal informationrepparttar 138512 client never had any intention of giving me.

So What's Your Point? --------------------- These two examples are very different but do share two important attributes. First, datarepparttar 138513 client intended to keep private was revealed to me. Second,repparttar 138514 reason forrepparttar 138515 “compromise” ofrepparttar 138516 data was due torepparttar 138517 “victim” working with said data on a computer they neither owned nor were familiar with. Under different circumstances,repparttar 138518 end results could have been quite devastating.

Conclusion ---------- When using a computer system you do not own, perhaps at a kiosk, or Internet Café, be aware thatrepparttar 138519 computer itself is going to remember a lot of what you’ve done as part of basic functionality. Additionally, most entities that are going to provide you with access to a computer, including your employer, probably have systems in place that could collect additional data you don’t desire to share. Even WiFi hotspots that allow you to use your own notebook or PDA to surfrepparttar 138520 web while sipping coffee can be a potential information collector. The moral ofrepparttar 138521 story is, when dealing with computer systems that aren’t your own, never handle data or documents that you wouldn’t want left behind unprotected. In all odds, once you walk away from that computer, you’ve done just that.

Erich currently specializes in providing network and security solutions for small to medium businesses that frequently have to resolve the conflict of need versus budget. Erich is a staff writer for and several other e-zines.

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