Removing Ink Stains

Written by Barry Shultz

Continued from page 1

Ifrepparttar stain is on white material use a bit of lemon juice and salt made into a paste and then rub it intorepparttar 110262 stained area. Letrepparttar 110263 article hang dry inrepparttar 110264 sun and it should be bright and stain free.

Use hair spray to remove ink from painted walls and some clothing.

Another trick to remove ink stains from walls is to use toothpaste. Apply it torepparttar 110265 stain, wait 10 minutes and wipe clean.

The absolute BEST solution, however, is Dye-Gone. This amazing product isrepparttar 110266 best thing we found to remove ink stains from hands, clothing, rugs or just about anything. Dye-Gone can be ordered fromrepparttar 110267 authors web site.

Barry Shultz is the author of Atlascopy News, and President of Atlascopy, Inc. Atlascopy specialized in affordable alternatives to the high cost of printer supplies. Sign up for the Atlascopy Newsletter and get 10% coupons every week in your email. Go to Atlascopy to save a bundle on your printer and refilling supplies.

Traditional and Modern Anniversary Gifts

Written by The Gift Wizard

Continued from page 1

Year: 12th Traditional Gift(s): Silk, Linen Modern Gift(s): Pearls

Year: 13th Traditional Gift(s): Lace Modern Gift(s): Textiles, Furs

Year: 14th Traditional Gift(s): Ivory Modern Gift(s): Gold Jewelry

Year: 15th Traditional Gift(s): Crystal Modern Gift(s): Watches

Year: 20th Traditional Gift(s): China Modern Gift(s): Platinum

Year: 25th Traditional Gift(s): Silver Modern Gift(s): Silver

Year: 30th Traditional Gift(s): Pearl Modern Gift(s): Diamond

Year: 35th Traditional Gift(s): Coral Modern Gift(s): Jade

Year: 40th Traditional Gift(s): Ruby Modern Gift(s): Ruby

Year: 45th Traditional Gift(s): Sapphire Modern Gift(s): Sapphire

Year: 50th Traditional Gift(s): Gold Modern Gift(s): Gold

Year: 55th Traditional Gift(s): Emerald Modern Gift(s): Emerald

Year: 60th Traditional Gift(s): Diamond Modern Gift(s): Diamond

Hope you found this helpful!

The Gift Wizard is a gift researcher for

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