Remembering Summer in Winter

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1
A simple syrup can also be used. Allow 1 cup of syrup for each quart of fruit. (Medium-2 cups sugar/4cups water Heavy - 4 cups sugar/4 cups water). Choose fruits that are atrepparttar perfect eating stage. Over-ripe fruit will not freeze well and flavor, and appearance will be affected. Pack fruit carefully, pour syrup over to within 1" of top, close and freeze. Also, all fruits can be packed unsweetened for those special dietary needs. Holiday times are great for snacking on nutmeats or including them in dessert ideas or menu items. Nutmeats can be frozen successfully by simply cleaning them, packing into glass jars or plastic bags, sealing, and freezing. A fast, simple way to preserve Summertime flavor and fruit - freezing some for Holiday Meals or cold-winter nights when remembering Summer will bring back great memories and great taste. ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 August

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Five Reasons For Preparing Your Own Baby Food

Written by Nancy Miller

Continued from page 1

4. IT'S MUCH CHEAPER The prices that baby food manufacturers charge for their products is nothing short of scandalous and are in no way justifiable. The reason they can charge so much is because they've conditioned most parents to believe that they have no choice but to buy from them. By preparing your baby's food yourself, you can avoid being a victim of this daylight robbery, and find yourself with extra cash to spend on all those other things that a growing baby needs.

5. IT'S VERY GRATIFYING Watching your baby enjoyrepparttar meal you've just prepared for him/her is already a very gratifying experience. On top of that, however, you haverepparttar 111551 satisfaction and pride of knowing that you're giving your childrepparttar 111552 gift of a healthy and nutritious diet - and saving yourself money as well.

And finally...

If all that weren't enough, here's another great reason to do it yourself: home-made baby food is much tastier than any commercial product. Delicious food is one of life's great pleasures and your baby deserves to enjoyrepparttar 111553 rich flavor and texture of real home cooking just as much as you or I. After all, none of us would enjoy eating 'TV Dinners' morning, noon and night - and that goes for your baby too!

So, don't put it off. Get started today. Your baby will thank you for it in more ways than one.


Nancy Miller is author of 'How to Make Your Own Healthy Baby Food' and a full-time working mom. Visit Nancy's website at

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