Continued from page 1
Be willing to take chances to get what you want -
Yeah, sometimes you will fail. Sometimes you will suffer consequences. Just make a logical judgement about whether possible benefits are worth risks. If you decide it's worth it, then go for it. If you fail, so what. If you fail many times, so what. You still might succeed next time, or time after that. As long as possible benefits are worth cost, keep trying. And feel good about it.
Be alert to what is good in your life -
Try to adopt a mode of operation of giving attention to good things. If you aren't aware of what you got going for you, then you are missing out on feeling good about those good things. Being happy requires at least some recognition of what makes life valuable and worthwhile. The more you are aware of good things in life, more joy and pleasure you will feel. And to help stay alert generally, do what you can to stay healthy, exercise often, and strive for variety and new experiences.
Go about making your life better -
Take an interest in self-improvement. Be concerned with ways to make your life better. That will allow you to see opportunities to make it better. Some of those opportunities won't work out. The ones that do, make your efforts well worth it.
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Alan Detwiler is the author of several books on ways to have fun. The books are available at
His web sites are and