Relinquish Control

Written by Sibyl McLendon

Continued from page 1

It is unrealistic to expect someone to change for you. If you are in a less-than ideal relationship, thenrepparttar decision that you need to be making is whether you can live with this person or situation, as it is right now, forrepparttar 131098 rest of your life. If you can’t, then it may be time to let go of it.

Trying to change people is a subtle form of control. You are trying to alter a person based on your desires. It never works. People change because it is in their own best interests to do so. It is a very selfish and personal thing; it has to be to work.

Relinquishingrepparttar 131099 desire to control is a huge step forward in your personal development. Learning thatrepparttar 131100 only thing in life that you can control is yourself isrepparttar 131101 first step to empowerment. If you need it, get help with this. Go get therapy, hire a coach or join a co-dependency group.

When you abandonrepparttar 131102 wish for better, and begin to change yourself so that you experience better, then and only then will your life change.


You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar 131103 resource box is included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

Sibyl McLendon is 1/2 Navajo, and is a personal empowerment coach for Circle Of Grace Sibyl can be contacted at

Is Court in Session?

Written by Jerry Lopper

Continued from page 1

When you accept what others say and do, without judgment or evaluation, you’ll be more peaceful and calm. You’ll be able to observe what is without concern or ownership. You’ll no longer have to defend your judgment, prosecute your position, and justify your punishment. Life will be easier.

Now, that doesn’t mean I can’t work to change what is showing up. If it doesn’t serve me, I will work to change it. But, that is best done without assigning good or bad torepparttar situation. By fully accepting what shows up asrepparttar 131096 perfect situation for right now I have more power to change it. Since I have embraced it, it is fully within me, and those things I can change. That’s my commitment, knowing full well that God will soon send me ample opportunity to experience my declared state of being. I’m looking forward to it. If you choose to join me, prime yourself to watch your thinking. Be aware ofrepparttar 131097 judgments you make that something is good or bad, right or wrong. Observe your body and your feelings--tension and irritation are sure signs that your courtroom is in session. Maybe it’s time to adjourn.

Jerry Lopper is an author, personal coach, and consultant. Visit and to learn more.

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