
Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

Another nice touch is to include your photo with your Bio information. As they say, "it's always nice to put a face with a name". The more you can establish a personal bond with your potential buyer,repparttar greater your chances of success.

The second axiom of business is to learn from your mistakes, and correctrepparttar 102645 things that you are doing wrong. Duringrepparttar 102646 Second World War, when a young group of pilots inrepparttar 102647 RAF were fighting for their lives inrepparttar 102648 air over England, they would often be hit by enemy fire. Their engine would start to misfire causing it to make knocking noises. Thus was coinedrepparttar 102649 phrase "every knock is one step closer to home". They had a great attitude.

We can take a lesson from them. If you can determine why your offer is being knocked or rejected by your potential clients,repparttar 102650 closer you will get to attaining your goals. Rejection is common in business, and evenrepparttar 102651 largest companies do studies on every ad campaign they conduct to make them better.

A simple statement on your web page to encourage feedback can go a long way, but don't be discouraged by some ofrepparttar 102652 remarks you will receive. No matter how crude some may be, they are being triggered by something, so don't take offense. Now while I normally advocaterepparttar 102653 use of a form for sending information from a website, here I do not. Let them be automatically transferred by use ofrepparttar 102654 "mailto:" command to their email account to writerepparttar 102655 message, as you will then knowrepparttar 102656 return address is valid.

Yes, they may wish to remain anonymous as well, butrepparttar 102657 use of a form in this instance, which simply allows them to vent, will serve little purpose. You really don't want to be influenced by some bored grade schoolers with nothing better to do.

Follow up to allrepparttar 102658 legitimate replies you receive to find out why they have reservations. Just this process alone may swing them into your camp. Rejection is not always bad, and if you use it properly, it just may go away.

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at to subscribe. As a bonus, get 40,000 FREE E-Books from Larry Dotson, when you visit

Testing The Water

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

I have only come across three arguments as to why people do not have their own's:

1) I Already Have A Site With One Of The Free Hosts.

Look at your site throughrepparttar eyes of a potential client. Do you thinkrepparttar 102644 banner adsrepparttar 102645 free web site provider puts on your page, enhancerepparttar 102646 information you want your potential clients to see? Go to and see if this isrepparttar 102647 image you want for your business.

2) I Can't Afford My Own Dot.Com Name And Site.

Really ? You don't need many of those "bells and whistles" included by many providers, so why pay for them. You could have your own registered AND hosted for about $30 a year. That's aboutrepparttar 102648 cost of one fast food lunch a month. Do you really think this is too much to invest in your future? For an example, stop by and you'll see what I mean.

3) I Can't Design A Website.

We are not talking anything complex here, just a simple site will have dramatic results on your traffic, and sign ups. There are also an abundance of free web building programs out there. Go to: and you will find plenty of free and low cost tools you can use. Remember you are talking about an on-line business, and this is one skill you should learn.

Let's talk facts. As more and more people spend time onrepparttar 102649 web, they quickly learn that if they've seen one affiliate site for a company, they've seen them all. They also develop a dislike ofrepparttar 102650 "pop down" screens and banners ofrepparttar 102651 free sites. They also look with disdain upon free web space provided by ISP's, as there is no degree of permanence there

If they're going to do business onrepparttar 102652 web, they want to deal with someone who will be around for awhile, and your own web domain and site is a good indicator. You at least are showing your prospects that you are serious about doing business onrepparttar 102653 web, and are probably not just "testingrepparttar 102654 water", hoping to make a quick buck or two.

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at to subscribe. As a bonus, get 40,000 FREE E-Books from Larry Dotson, when you visit

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