Regain the Romance and Sparkle in Your Relationship

Written by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist

Continued from page 1

Consider doing something silly with your lover that you used to do when you first dated, no matter how silly it seems-in fact,repparttar sillierrepparttar 130988 better. Take time to enjoy your partner. Letrepparttar 130989 dishes and laundry pile up if necessary.

Need some more ideas? Here's a few:

Surprise your sweetie with tickets to an event you think s/he'd really enjoy. Hide them where s/he'll find them.

Take her/him out on a date where s/he gets to choose whatever s/he wants to do, even if it's something you wouldn't ordinarily want to do (remember to be gracious).

Take turns planning weekly dates, where you take turns deciding what to do. A date could be a picnic in a park, a drive inrepparttar 130990 country, a trip to an art gallery, or a movie.

Turn your home into a fine restaurant for one evening. Surprise your lover with a menu, music, candles, a delicious meal, and table service (that's you). If you're frequently too busy to find time together, make spending time together a priority. Show your partner that s/he is your priority.

Take a day off from all responsibilities, includingrepparttar 130991 telephone, and just do what you both really want to do. Be completely spontaneous, and if you can't agree, take turns doing what you both want.

Devote yourself to your partner's wishes for a fixed amount of time. S/he gets to decide whatever s/he wants you to do (assuming you agree to it). S/he may want to be held, have you read poetry, receive a massage, be understood about something, have you cleanrepparttar 130992 kitchen, or be taken out for coffee. Taking turns with this can be a lot of fun.

Be playful with each other. Feed each other with your fingers, stay in bed all day, take a walk inrepparttar 130993 rain, sing old tunes you both know, or have a pillow fight. It doesn't matter what you do, just that you have fun again.

Find a time to look deeply and lovingly into your lover's eyes; words are not necessary. Look at her/his face and see her/his beauty and uniqueness. Tell her/him what you see and feel. Takerepparttar 130994 risk to feelrepparttar 130995 depth of your emotions and to share that with your lover. At night before you fall asleep, tell her/him something that you love about her/him. Remember, you'rerepparttar 130996 one who knows what your lover really enjoys. Surprise her/him with something special-don't wait for a birthday or anniversary.

The idea is, no matter what you do, make it special.

These are just a few suggestions to help you regain some ofrepparttar 130997 sparkle in your relationship. Don't be afraid to let your imagination go wild, or to appear silly. Your partner will enjoyrepparttar 130998 love and thought you've put into it, and over time you may find your relationship feeling vibrant once more.

© Kali Munro, 1998, 2000.

Kali Munro, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto, Canada. She has twenty years experience specializing in a variety of issues including sexual abuse, relationships, sexuality, eating disorders, and body image. She provides individual and couple therapy in Toronto, as well as online. She offers free healing resources at her web site about relationships, abuse, sexuality, and much more. Check out her inspiring and healing site

Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women

Written by Phil Beckett

Continued from page 1

Don’t get caught up inrepparttar Fat-free food frenzy. Fat-free foods are very high in simple carbohydrates and will increase your insulin, which will “Feed” your fat cells making you fatter very quickly.

A good nutrition plan starts when you’re making your grocery list. Then of course you have to stick torepparttar 130985 list! Another good idea is to shop for your groceries just after you’ve eaten. This way you won’t be tempted to fill uprepparttar 130986 cart with junk food.

Nutritionally poor food is fine in moderation. But don’t over-do it. Take one day each week to satisfy your cravings. You won’t eliminate allrepparttar 130987 good things you’ve done overrepparttar 130988 rest ofrepparttar 130989 week. There's little wrong with it and in fact it’ll help you stay on track.

If you try to eliminate your favorite “junk food” completely it’ll lead to binge eating in only a couple of weeks. Then you’ll have a lot of trouble getting back on track.

When it comes to meats chicken, tuna (and most other fish) and turkey are your best choices. They’re lower in fat, which means they’re lower in calories as well and have less cholesterol.

But don’t eliminate red meats. They’re not only an excellent source of protein but also of iron, zinc and creatine (which helps tremendously with fitness). So try to include a couple of meals each week that contain red meats.

Banana’s, oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits arerepparttar 130990 best fruits. They're rich in vitamin C and potassium. Eat fruit and drink juices daily. But be aware fruits and fruit juices contain a lot of calories, so if you’re trying to lose weight once a day is good enough.

Supplements are meant to supplement healthy eating, not compensate for poor eating habits. But if you aren’t gettingrepparttar 130991 nutrients you need, for example you’d need to drink a ton of milk plus take other calcium rich foods each day to getrepparttar 130992 calcium you need, then a calcium pill a day may be a good idea.

Exercise is not an option. Cardiovascular exercise and more importantly resistance exercise (weight lifting) is essential for good long-term health. Muscles will increase your metabolism making it possible to lose fat, and resistance exercise has amazing benefits for your heart and other organs.

A daily vitamin E may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Because people cannot easily get enough vitamin E in common foods, a supplement of 200 to 400 international units (IUs) per day is a wise health investment.

Aboutrepparttar 130993 Author:

Phil Beckett isrepparttar 130994 author of ‘The New Women’s Guide To Successful Weight Loss & Fitness’ andrepparttar 130995 Fitness Director at Women’s Health & Fitness Inc. He’s helped thousands of women succeed with their weight loss, health & fitness goals overrepparttar 130996 past 14 years. Visit to contact Phil with your questions.

About the Author:

Phil Beckett is the author of ‘The New Women’s Guide To Successful Weight Loss & Fitness’ and the Fitness Director at Women’s Health & Fitness Inc. He’s helped thousands of women succeed with their weight loss, health & fitness goals over the past 14 years. Visit to contact Phil with your questions.

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