Referrals…The Secret Weapon

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Continued from page 1

I can remember back when I worked for temporary agencies, they were forever giving out pens, pads, magnets, etc. to keep their names in front of everyone. Think of Pizza Hut and Domino’s. How many magnets do you have with their name and telephone numbers on your refrigerator. When we ran our Matching Numbers business, we made up shirts and jackets that we wore everywhere. You’d be surprised how many customers we got inrepparttar grocery store, post office, fast food places, who asked us for cards or about our business.

There is a whole separate industry that deals with advertising specialty items. You name it, you can get your name on it. Mugs, pens, business cards, memo pads, etc. These items can getrepparttar 120851 word out on your business not only to your customers , but also to your customers’ customers. Memo pads are especially nice. People have a tendency to jot notes on them and then give them out to others. So they are a very far reaching tool. Advertising with Specialty items is almost as good as referrals.

Be sure on your promotional material (brochures, flyers, newsletters) that you indicate how your referral program works. Be sure to indicate what type of incentives you offer. Be sure to be very specific in outlining what your customers need to do. For example, fill out this form and mail it back (or fax it back) withrepparttar 120852 names, addresses and telephone numbers of those you are referring. You don’t have to ask for all of this information, however, if you are going to snail mail you will need their address.

Be sure when you do your networking at your organizational meetings or chamber meetings that you tell people about your referral program. Business people appreciate being rewarded for referrals they give you. However, too many people never follow through, which is why for many businesses their referral program goes byrepparttar 120853 wayside. This is one area where we stress to our students you tell all your networking partners, your tenant buyers, your sellers, and all of your family, friends, in fact, everyone you come in contact with that you pay a percentage of each deal you do (an average deal is $5000) to them if they refer someone and you do a deal with that person. Believe me when I say, once they receive one check from you, they become a walking advertisement for your lease purchase business.

There is one caveat to offering a referral program and that is you must DO GOOD BUSINESS. Your credibility is at stake. You want to be viewed as a reliable, dependable, and trustworthy individual. You need for people to want to buy from you, and because you did such an outstanding job, tell everyone else about you.

So, are you usingrepparttar 120854 Secret Weapon?

Copyright 2003 DeFiore Enterprises

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit

Flea Market-ing Lessons

Written by David Leonhardt

Continued from page 1

Sir hesitates, then takesrepparttar bookmark.

"It featuresrepparttar 120850 nine habits of maximum happiness."

Sir studiesrepparttar 120851 bookmark.

"Same habits as in my book right here."

Sir looks up atrepparttar 120852 display for a moment. Then he starts moving again, staring down atrepparttar 120853 bookmark, mumbling something under his breath and BANG! hitsrepparttar 120854 support beam. "Ooh," I thought. "A few thousand more times and that beam might not hold. That could be dangerous."

Fortunately, I decided to relocate, standing with my back torepparttar 120855 beam so people would pass safely to one side. Don't kill your customers: a brilliant idea whose time had come. I learned my third lesson after running through just 34 first aid kits.

I went throughrepparttar 120856 same routine with Broad-eyed Lady and her husband, except that she missedrepparttar 120857 beam. She continued walking as she readrepparttar 120858 9 habits of happiness onrepparttar 120859 bookmark, then suddenly slapped it against her husband's chest. "Here. Read this," she commanded.

Ouch. That's gotta hurt. Good thing I was giving away bookmarks and not paperweights.

I thought Broad-eyed Lady was a unique character, until Hunched Old Lady didrepparttar 120860 same thing. And so did Spunky Crew-cut Girl. And Grizzly Guy, too. I guess it's easy to expect others to change, rather than ourselves.

In fairness, few people used my happiness bookmark as a domestic weapon, a factrepparttar 120861 judge took into consideration later that day. He even commended me for not giving away paperweights.

But he did order me to recount, without looking at my notes,repparttar 120862 lessons I had learned watching people atrepparttar 120863 flea market. Let's see ...

Slow down, or you'll never spend your kids' inheritance on priceless knick knacks.

Grab people's attention or they will just whiz by.

Don't kill your customers

Don't expect people to change for you, even if you do wield a loaded bookmark.

The author is David Leonhardt, The Happy Guy. To receive his satirical happiness column weekly in your inbox, sign up at or read more columns at . Visit his home page "Finding Happiness and Self-actualization" at .

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