Red Rock Lesson

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1

What I learned was; findingrepparttar courage to look at and face your fear can be a very empowering act.

What are your fears and how are they preventing you from reaching your dreams? By listing or naming your fears you can bring them intorepparttar 123812 light thereby reducing their powerful charge. Here are some tips and perspectives for looking at fear and turn it into an opportunity for growth and action:

1. Is your fear to move forward based on what has happened inrepparttar 123813 past or what could happen inrepparttar 123814 future? A wise teacher of mine Byron Katie says, “ The worst that can happen to us (now) is a thought”. Most of what we fear never actually happens. If you really think about it It’s our thoughts about what we experience that causes usrepparttar 123815 most pain.

2. Negative events can truly becomerepparttar 123816 catalyst for positive change and learning. Try reframing your negative experience into a powerful learning opportunity. See if you can findrepparttar 123817 “gift” or silver lining in a situation that has been difficult.

3. Watch your inner dialogue. What are you telling yourself? Try keeping a journal for a day on allrepparttar 123818 fearful or negative thoughts you have. Atrepparttar 123819 end ofrepparttar 123820 day, look at each thought and ask yourself if these thoughts are even true. Then remind yourself of what IS true.

4. Check outrepparttar 123821 book “Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers. The idea is to turn fear and indecision into confidence and action. You can’t eliminate fear but you can turn it into an ally. Learnrepparttar 123822 territory of fear. Make friends with it. Teach yourself to breathe deeply and move from victim hood to beingrepparttar 123823 champion of your life.

Getting back to my story, I continued to wind my way up torepparttar 123824 top ofrepparttar 123825 mountain. I made it. Through my tears and fear I found a strength deep inside me that taught me a very powerful lesson. As I took my final steps up torepparttar 123826 summitrepparttar 123827 sun broke throughrepparttar 123828 clouds and a hawk flew overhead. I looked out overrepparttar 123829 gorgeous red rock landscape and forrepparttar 123830 first time in my life I fully enjoyedrepparttar 123831 view.

It’s your life…imaginerepparttar 123832 possibilities!

**************************************** Helaine Iris is a Certified Life Coach She works with individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders who want more out of life. People, who want to lead successful, balanced lives filled with love, passion and purpose. Are you ready to take a step that could change your life? For a complimentary session visit her website or call her 603-357-8546 or email her

Gratitude For Aptitudes

Written by Stephanie West Allen

Continued from page 1

A person with a very low aptitude for observation (again,repparttar Johnson O'Connor term) is not bothered by lots of clutter. They don't notice it.

We each have our own gifts.

By understanding that we are all gifted in different areas, we can stop judging people who do things in a different way. In an orchestra,repparttar 123811 trumpet player does not judgerepparttar 123812 piano player for not playingrepparttar 123813 trumpet. To do so would be silly.

Make sure you are not forcing any square pegs into round holes. To do so is teaching a pig to sing. Annoying or even hurtful. And don't let people annoy or hurt you. Let's each and every one of us find our gifts and present them torepparttar 123814 world.

Isn't it grand that one size does not fit all?


Today value your own gifts. Do you have an aptitude that is crying to be used and that you are keeping dormant? Clues are always being given to you about your gifts. If you are quiet and listen,repparttar 123815 gift's call will whisper (maybe shout) to you somewhere in your mind or heart.

Heedrepparttar 123816 call and see what goodness that gift will bring to you and others. It will be an extraordinary release.

Today celebraterepparttar 123817 gifts of which you are already wholly aware, too. Make sure they get your full attention and gratitude.

And please celebraterepparttar 123818 gifts of others. Don't judge if they have chosen a different instrument -- or if they can't sing. Each one of us has our own aptitudes. Rejoice for all who have claimed theirs.

©Copyright 2002 Stephanie West Allen

Stephanie West Allen, JD, brings humor and motivation to associations and organizations. Monday through Friday, start your day with a free Upsy Daisy Push-up to get you going gloriously, gratefully, and gleefully. Subscribe by sending a blank e-mail to

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