Recognize The Expert Within You!! Passionate Knowledge Can Lead to Wealth!!

Written by Dave Hertner

Continued from page 1
Take a notebook and state what your passion is onrepparttar first page. On a separate piece of paper, list every little thing that you can think of that pertains to that passion. Try to do this in a start to finish order if you can as it helps in pulling it all together later. Each one of these listings should then be transferred to a separate page inrepparttar 121401 notebook. These will berepparttar 121402 main headings or chapters forrepparttar 121403 information product that you are developing. You now haverepparttar 121404 framework upon which you can expand and explain to others your passion. Underrepparttar 121405 title on each page, I would like you to expand and explainrepparttar 121406 idea as if you were trying to teach it to an 8-year-old child. This will help you to simplifyrepparttar 121407 language and be as direct as possible. Although you are an expert onrepparttar 121408 subject, your audience may have never been exposed torepparttar 121409 subject before. It is now time to pull it all together. Take all ofrepparttar 121410 information that you have written inrepparttar 121411 notebook and enter it into a word processing program. Write an introduction and a conclusion and make sure that it flows well. Believe it or not, you have just written an e-book !! You now have a product that can be marketed. A product that can bring in a great deal of cash and you ownrepparttar 121412 rights to all ofrepparttar 121413 profit. As soon as you put your product intorepparttar 121414 marketplace you become an author and an authority in your field of expertise. People are clambering for fresh information onrepparttar 121415 Internet daily. There is a huge demand for information products that explain how to do things, where to do things, when to do things, why to do things, etc. You can berepparttar 121416 one that puts that information out there. There is some more work for you to do from this point on. You will need to market your product onrepparttar 121417 Internet. This will requirerepparttar 121418 set up of a web space andrepparttar 121419 direction of people to your site. There are whole books dedicated to this and it is too much information to be included in this article. Suffice it to say that you will be a success if you can follow these steps in identifying your passion and getting that information into a saleable product. That isrepparttar 121420 hardest part. To Your Wealth!!! Dave Hertner _____________________________________________________________

5 Millionaire Information Marketers Teach You How They Pull $10,000 Or More A Month! FREE Report shows you how and tells who these "Super" Marketers are and how they can help you reach your dreams! Your FREE information packed report is at: _____________________________________________________________

Dave Hertner writes articles that are intended to help people get started along their path to success. He has been there and his experiences will help those who need a hand getting started in marketing and in managing their lives.

Transition Your Mind!! From Dependant Employee to Self-Sufficient Entrepreneur

Written by Dave Hertner

Continued from page 1

The TRANSITION PHASE isrepparttar 'get up and go' phase. Here you are with a fresh look at yourself and a great business idea. You now facerepparttar 121400 fear of starting or, if you teem it with inertia, ' Fear of Departure'. This happens often when you have a secure, well paying job that you are contemplating leaving. There are two things that can combat this fear. You needrepparttar 121401 support of your family and friends and you need to have a business plan that you have completely internalized. This will give yourepparttar 121402 courage to step away (mentally at first) from that perceived security which is exactly what is holding you back.

The business planning that you have done up to this point will kick in now to carry you on throughrepparttar 121403 execution portion ofrepparttar 121404 transition phase. Lots of work needs to be put forth to ensure that your business is successful. Congratulations!! You're out ofrepparttar 121405 starting blocks!!!

The last phase of development isrepparttar 121406 most gratifying. This is when your mind re-learns to open up. When you were a child, your mind was wide open to new things. That is how children can absorb so much so fast. Successful people, as compared to lucky ones are those that keep their minds open to opportunities. They are also emotionally ready to capitalize upon those opportunities.

In conclusion, I will leave you with this simple thought. You arerepparttar 121407 only warden over your mind. You holdrepparttar 121408 keys that can free your mind to see all ofrepparttar 121409 opportunities out there.

Remind yourself of your dreams. See yourself for what you are today. Plan for your transition to success. Execute that plan and then allow your mind to be free and open to all ofrepparttar 121410 opportunities that come along.

Torepparttar 121411 success of your business!!!

Dave Hertner


5 Millionaire Information Marketers Teach You How They Pull $10,000 Or More A Month! FREE Report shows you how and tells who these "Super" Marketers are and how they can help you reach your dreams! Your FREE information packed report is at: _____________________________________________________________

Dave Hertner writes articles that are intended to help people get started along their path to success. He has been there and his experiences will help those who need a hand getting started in marketing and in managing their lives.

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