
Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

Having served a number of years in law enforcement, I’m well aware that enforcing existing laws to curtail youth violence does not solverepparttar problem. We were told inrepparttar 126620 90s thatrepparttar 126621 Brady bill would protect us against gun violence. It didn’t. We were told that passing more anti-gun and anti-violence laws would reduce teen violence. That hasn’t worked either. The reality is we already have more then enough anti-gun laws onrepparttar 126622 books, so why should we pass more legislation? Federal prosecutors are reluctant to prosecuterepparttar 126623 existing anti-gun and anti-violence laws. The answer to violence is not more regulations and more legislation. The answer is simple but requires work. The work involves sowing positive messages aboutrepparttar 126624 value of human life. The work involves sowing seeds like, “love thy brother as thy self.” The work involves sowing seeds like

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kindness, selflessness, caring, truth, honor, “giving honor to whom honor is due.” These seeds produce like kind.

I want to encourage you dear Christian. Although our way of life is old fashioned and spurned by many modernists, it’s stillrepparttar 126625 only way. Jesus, Himself, said that He wasrepparttar 126626 Way. Through His love, we addressrepparttar 126627 world His way—the only way—the way ofrepparttar 126628 Book. God’s Word teaches us that laying down our lives for each other, we are livingrepparttar 126629 way ofrepparttar 126630 Cross, andrepparttar 126631 Cross of Calvary isrepparttar 126632 best way to stemrepparttar 126633 violence. A changed heart leads to a changed way of life, which can changerepparttar 126634 world for better; therefore, reciprocate with good and noterepparttar 126635 return of a good corresponding action.

Pastor T.

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK. 918-451-0270

Through God only

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1
repparttar strength of Jesus Christ in me. The Bible tells me that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Yet I can’t do “all things.” I can’t write speeches like Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln. I can’t write plays like William Shakespeare. There are many things I can’t do because I don’t haverepparttar 126619 ability orrepparttar 126620 intellectual capacity or evenrepparttar 126621 desire. So, what does it mean for me to do all things through Christ Jesus? It means that I am able to do everything and anything in spite of my human limitations when God calls me to do it because He will do it through me. God gave me a purpose and a plan for my life. I can say one of two things about my calling beforerepparttar 126622 Lord. I can say, “God, what you want me to do is impossible.” Or I can say, “God, what you want done is impossible in my own strength and power, but I know that in you I can do it. And I can do it well!” At that time, I surrender to God my willpower and ask Him for His, to completerepparttar 126623 task. Immediately, a burden of defeat lifts from my shoulders. My mind becomes peaceful. My heart fills with God-like faith. God begins to bring people across my path to help me. He gives me new insights, new ways of looking at old problems. And somehow God gets it done through me. That’s key. The strength to do it is not my own, and my arm extended in action is not mine--but HIS! For example, I might have a difficult time being friendly and caring to some knucklehead that just gets on my nerves. Try as hard as I might, I find myself powerless in resistingrepparttar 126624 urge to punch him inrepparttar 126625 belly. If I feed on that thought, BAPD may soon be arresting me for assault and battery. For a minister ofrepparttar 126626 Gospel, that’s a bad position to be in. Therefore, instead of feeding my mind withrepparttar 126627 norm, I ask God to loverepparttar 126628 difficult person through me. I begin to think uponrepparttar 126629 scriptures in Genesis that talk about all people being created in God’s likeness. I think aboutrepparttar 126630 Bible scripture that tells how Jesus loved all of us, evenrepparttar 126631 knuckleheads ofrepparttar 126632 world. Over time, I begin to notice a real difference in how I view that person. Here again, these simple and little things work wonders for me and bring merepparttar 126633 victory.

And now that I have shared these tips, why don’t you try these simple thingsrepparttar 126634 next time you get slammed? If you will consistently feed your spirit as actively as you feed your body, you will begin to take on a new attitude about life. If you will not drop out ofrepparttar 126635 race because you think something is wrong with you because you can’t seem to “live”repparttar 126636 Christian life but instead consider yourself normal and simply under attack byrepparttar 126637 old nature, you will have more success putting downrepparttar 126638 old nature than giving in to it. I can speak affirmatively in this regard. And also learn to let God work not only in you, but through you. Surrender yourself completely torepparttar 126639 Holy Spirit by saying often, “Holy Spirit I surrender my will to your leadership for my life. You know what’s best for me. Work through me now.” You see, we can’t love like we should because human love is self-centered. We can’t do caring things for others like we should because we mostly care about ourselves. We can’t dorepparttar 126640 impossible that God calls us to do for His glory because we are too limited by our humanness. This is our dilemma. Thank God though that we don’t have to admit defeat in Him. As we live in Him, He love with His perfect love, loving through us (Romans5:5). He rescuesrepparttar 126641 unlovable through us. We providerepparttar 126642 willingness; He getsrepparttar 126643 job done by His own power. Really, all we have to do as Christians is to providerepparttar 126644 work space for Jesus by allowing Him to live and rule in us, then He goes to work through us to getrepparttar 126645 job done. He getsrepparttar 126646 glory, and we getrepparttar 126647 joy. Pastor T. Keeprepparttar 126648 Faith! AND by all means stayrepparttar 126649 course because Jesus is soon coming.

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK. Writes devotions for friends and church family. To sign up for the devotions, contact him at tdash0355atnetzerodotcom

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