Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Continued from page 1

1. Get ready and prepare yourself to undetake your quit somking program? Set a quit smoking date. Change your environment by getting rid of all cigarettes in places you frequent and not allowing people to smoke near you or at your home.

2. Get support and encouragement. Studies have shown that you'll have better chances in quitting smoking if you can get support from families, friends, and co-workers.

3. Learn new skills and behavior. Always remember that your goal is to quit smoking, so distract yourself from urges of smoking. Change your routine in your first try of quit smoking program. Do something to reduce your stress such as taking a hot bath, exercise, or reading. Plan something to do enjoyable every day.

4. Get medication and use it correctly. Medications can help you lessenrepparttar urge to smoke. Five approved medications that can help you to quit smoking are: Bupropion SR, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, and nicotine patch.

5. Be prepared for a relapse. If you quit smoking, chances of a relapse is high. Most relapses occur after 3 months of quitting, so watch out for situations that may trigger you get back to smoking such as alcohol, other smokers, weight gain and depression.

Everyone can quit smoking so don’t hesitate to at least try to quit smoking also.

Quit smoking now and I guarantee you a healthier, better and longer life.

Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For updated links and information about quit smoking, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

Modern Treatments Of Tooth Decay

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Continued from page 1

The American Association for Dental Research and International Association for Dental Research have long been collaborating to disseminate ways of preventing tooth decay. They educate people of how proper oral hygiene methods of brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, regular dental checkup, sealant treatment, flossing, eating nutritious meals, and limiting in-between meals will always be indispensable.

Dental researchers have recently discovered howrepparttar bacteria which attack teeth, stick themselves torepparttar 150695 enamel. This new information could bring significant benefits to increaserepparttar 150696 public's knowledge on eliminatingrepparttar 150697 harmful effects ofrepparttar 150698 tooth decay-causing bacteria (Streptococcus mutans). Aside from this, they are also inrepparttar 150699 process of developing vaccines against tooth decay and discovering other new methods on targeting and killingrepparttar 150700 decay-causing bacteria.

Other tooth decay treatments, i.e., dental implants, Healozone gas blast (blast that triggersrepparttar 150701 saliva to fixrepparttar 150702 teeth naturally), and squirting genetically modified bacteria that will not producerepparttar 150703 decay acid, are also being developed. The use of fiber optics and fluorescence methodologies is also being considered to possibly detect tooth decay much sooner than x-rays and visual inspections can.

These advancements in treating dental cavities are evidences ofrepparttar 150704 increasing attention to oral care. But relying mainly on these discoveries does not guaranteerepparttar 150705 complete disappearance of tooth decay fromrepparttar 150706 list ofrepparttar 150707 most common global health problems. Further improvements on tooth decay treatment entails expanded dental care education, early interception of poor oral hygiene habits, greater parental involvement in children's dental health and appreciating how priceless a confident smile is.

Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about dental care, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

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