Real Solutions for Combatting Extreme Shyness

Written by Royane Real

Continued from page 1

Behavioral therapy aims to changerepparttar client’s behavior using a program of positive reinforcement ofrepparttar 129236 desired behavior, and negative reinforcement ofrepparttar 129237 undesired behavior.

Both cognitive therapy and behavior therapy focus on teachingrepparttar 129238 client to deal with situations and symptoms inrepparttar 129239 present. Neither form of therapy delves into situations inrepparttar 129240 client’s distant past. Those forms of psychotherapy that attempt to deal with shyness by delving intorepparttar 129241 client’s past history have not been shown to be effective. in cognitive therapy techniques.

There are many books that can teachrepparttar 129242 reader to effectively use cognitive therapy techniques for both depression and loneliness. If your case is not particularly severe, you can often learn enough from reading a book and doingrepparttar 129243 recommended exercises to greatly relieve your symptoms of shyness or depression. Dr. David Burns, one ofrepparttar 129244 pioneers in bringing cognitive therapy to a wider audience, has written several very useful books and workbooks forrepparttar 129245 general public, including “Intimate Connections” and “Feeling Good--the New Mood Therapy.” Inrepparttar 129246 past decade, researchers have discovered that some anti-depressant medications, particularlyrepparttar 129247 so-called SSRI’s (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors), can also be very helpful inrepparttar 129248 treatment of extreme shyness. One of these SSRI drugs, Paxil, wasrepparttar 129249 first to receive American F.D.A. approval as an effective treatment for social anxiety. In fact, ads for Paxil as a treatment for social anxiety have been marketed directly torepparttar 129250 public, not just to doctors. Other anti-depressant drugs inrepparttar 129251 SSRI group are also believed to help in reliving social anxiety.

Does drug treatment for shyness really work? Some very socially anxious people have tried everything that regular psychotherapy has to offer, including cognitive therapy, yet they still suffer debilitating symptoms of shyness until they try SSRI drugs. In some cases,repparttar 129252 improvement in sociability after taking SSRI drugs can be swift and profound. This class of drugs seems to helprepparttar 129253 socially anxious person turn downrepparttar 129254 excessive volume of their inner judgmental thoughts.

If you are shy or socially anxious, should you take a pill to make you more friendly? There are pros and cons to be considered when deciding whether or not to take a drug for social anxiety. The SSRI drugs can cause nervous agitation, insomnia, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction, as well as many other less common side effects.

Some doctors and psychologists are concerned that a normal human trait, shyness, has been declared a medical condition requiring expensive pharmaceutical intervention. Becauserepparttar 129255 SSRI drugs are relatively new, it is not yet known whatrepparttar 129256 long-term effects of this class of drugs may be. Nevertheless,repparttar 129257 SSRI drugs are very widely prescribed, particularly in North America, for depression and social anxiety.

In most locations it is easier to find a doctor who will prescribe SSRI medication to combat shyness than it is to find a counselor trained inrepparttar 129258 use of therapy effective in treating shyness disorders.

The difference in shyness experienced with drug therapy can be quite astounding, but it will likely last only as long asrepparttar 129259 drug is taken on a regular basis. Whenrepparttar 129260 drug is discontinued,repparttar 129261 symptoms of shyness will likely reappear. Withrepparttar 129262 proper psychotherapy for shyness,repparttar 129263 positive results are likely to be long lasting.

This article is an excerpt from the new downloadable book by Royane Real titled "Your Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends" available at

The Mystery Of Your Existence

Written by Andrew Lawrence

Continued from page 1

We are each here to uncover and undertake our own unique and special purpose in life. Every person is unique and has a unique purpose in life ... andrepparttar person andrepparttar 129234 purpose fit together perfectly.

"Who Am I ... And Why Am I Here?" You are YOU. And YOU are here to uncover your own unique and special perfect-for-you purpose in life. And that isrepparttar 129235 answer torepparttar 129236 question.

And, for those who desire to find out what their own unique and special purpose in life is, that will have to berepparttar 129237 subject of another article.

Andrew Lawrence is the founder of the Life Purpose Society and creator of its popular 30-minute Life Purpose Program, which helps men and women throughout the world uncover what their own unique and special life purpose is, at

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