Real Monsters Under Your Bed

Written by Dr George W Graham

Continued from page 1

It works very well forrepparttar average monster.

But what aboutrepparttar 110412 super monsters,repparttar 110413 real monsters?

Think about this:

* There is usually stuff underrepparttar 110414 bed. Things like old socks, dust, half eaten sandwiches. * Mold grows on stuff. * Mold produces spores and chemicals * Spores are breathed in byrepparttar 110415 sleeping child * The chemicals are breathed, too. * Kid cannot sleep because some of these chemicals are neuro- excitatory. These chemicals disturb sleep, cause hallucinations, cause body aches, and can even contribute to ADHD symptoms. * Kid’s imagination invents monster to explain these feelings. * Plus these molds can actually cause allergies, sinus infections, lung infections, ear aches and dandruff [oh no, not dandruff]

Now I don’t know about you, but that sounds likerepparttar 110416 definition of a monster to me.

The solution?

Make two monster sprays. Exchange Tea Tree Oil forrepparttar 110417 Peppermint oil inrepparttar 110418 first formula. This second formula will help hold off on mold growth, I mean Monsters, underrepparttar 110419 bed.

Oh, and maybe cleaning underrepparttar 110420 bed might help too.

For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat and prevent disease by showing them how to live in a clean environment.

Diapers: Do You Choose Disposable Or Reusable?

Written by Tony Luck

Continued from page 1

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a term covering various different rashes which will vary in severity from a mild redness to severe raw ulcerated skin.

Most rashes are caused by exposure to soiled diapers. As urine and faeces break down ammonia is released, this is toxic and burns baby's delicate skin. A diaper will also prevent air circulating and retain heat, both of which will aggravaterepparttar problem.

If your baby develops a rash, change diapers frequently and keeprepparttar 110411 area clean and dry. Avoidrepparttar 110412 use of soap and wipes, wash with warm water and cotton wool balls. Barrier creams are available from your pharmacist. Perhaps one ofrepparttar 110413 best treatments is fresh air: let baby's skin breathe as often as possible.

Author: Tony Luck runs a site offering advice to new moms. Included is the fascinating Chinese Conception Chart which supposedly tells you whether the baby you're expecting is a boy or girl!

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