Real Estate Investors: How to Get a Powerful Marketing Education for Free

Written by Jason Van Orden

Continued from page 1

Instead of automatically dumping it inrepparttar garbage, take a few minutes to look through it. What kind of headlines do they use? Do they use any creative packaging? What isrepparttar 136809 formatting? Did something catch your attention?

One ofrepparttar 136810 most powerful strategies for being a successful marketer is to borrow and adapt ideas. It doesn't matter what industry it is from. In fact, often ideas from other industries will providerepparttar 136811 biggest breakthroughs.

If you have bought any courses from real estate gurus, then you probably get a lot of mail from them. These guys are masters. Pay attention to what they do.

If you have a good rapport with a seller, ask them what other mail they might have gotten from investors. This works especially well with sellers in foreclosure. They often get mounds of mail. If they will gather it for you and hand it over, that could be a treasure trove.

What do you do with all of this? Start what is called a swipe file. Every master marketer has one. Keeprepparttar 136812 best pieces. Get a bunch of file folders and come up with a system that works well for you to organize it for quick reference.

When you want to create a new marketing piece, a few minutes perusing your swipe file will getrepparttar 136813 juices flowing and make it much easier.

So...don't pass uprepparttar 136814 education that passes through your mailbox everyday.

Jason Van Orden was the President of the Salt Lake Real Estate Investors Association in 2004. He also teaches investors marketing systems to find more deals and make more money with a minimum investment of their time and money. For more tips on how to market to get motivated sellers calling and begging to do business with you go to:


Written by Thom Reece

Continued from page 1

Experts: If you are selling artificial hearts, then a testimonial from Dr. Denton Cooley would probably boost business. Even though he might be paid, he is so credible that it would probably work. Your expert must be an expert in a relevant field.

Expert Organizations: A trade association, a magazine in your field, a chamber of commerce, a newsletter, etc. Expert organizations carry a lot of weight because people believe that their opinion cannot be bought.

WHAT MAKES A GOOD CUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL? To maximizerepparttar selling power of testimonials, you should keep a few tips in mind:

Tip#1...Be Specific: Testimonials phrased in specific terms pull more weight than more general statements. For example...

"I increased my companies profits by $78,350 last year using your advice!"

is a lot more effective than..

"I enjoy working with your company."

Tip#2...Cite Complete Attributions:

"Mr. John Jones, President SMITH MANUFACTURING Chicago, IL

rather than

" J. Jones, Chicago"

The more completerepparttar 136808 attributionrepparttar 136809 more believablerepparttar 136810 testimonial.

Tip#3...Use Customer Terminology and Phrasing: Resist any temptation to rephrase you customers' words. You'll generally lowerrepparttar 136811 believability factor.

Tip#4...Use Photos ofrepparttar 136812 Testimonial Writer: You will triplerepparttar 136813 believability and selling power if you print a photo along withrepparttar 136814 words. Photographs ofrepparttar 136815 person using your product work best.

How To Collect Usable Testimonials...

Collecting usable testimonials should be an organized and on-going marketing function.

First...Readrepparttar 136816 in-coming mail carefully and keep a file of customer comments. Follow-up on those with potential and put them in usable form.

Second...Analyze your customer list and develop a sub-list of your top 10% of customers by sales volume and frequency of ordering. Carefully craft a letter to this select list "Asking for their help". Suggest to them what you are looking for inrepparttar 136817 way of comments and then let them provide you withrepparttar 136818 raw material. The important lesson here: You can't sit casually back and hope for testimonials to come your way. You have to go out and get them.

The reward, however, is always worthrepparttar 136819 effort. The time you spend nurturing your testimonial program will result in increased sales and profits, an improved image, more sales leads, lower sales costs, shortened selling cycles, and improved cash flow

Thom Reece, is a direct marketing consultant. For additional information on his speaking or consulting services you can visit his company's web site: On-Line Marketing Resource Center or E-MAIL, 808-929-7377

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