Radio Interviews - How to get them

Written by Ben Botes

Continued from page 1

Be prepared

Prepare yourself forrepparttar conversation withrepparttar 120282 producer ofrepparttar 120283 show you want to target. Try your approach on someone you know. If you can’t get their interest, there is a good chance your idea will fall flat with a producer. Some experts recommend sending a pitch letter first and then following up a day or two later. This can work, but if you speak torepparttar 120284 show’s producer directly, you will be able to sellrepparttar 120285 idea at that point, as well as demonstrate your ability to engage an audience. Remember that you’re selling, sorepparttar 120286 more excited you are about your projectrepparttar 120287 more likely someone else will be sold on it.


Always follow up on interviews. Add a unique code or e-mail address if you are able to. This will help you in trackingrepparttar 120288 response fromrepparttar 120289 specific interview.

Always keep in contact withrepparttar 120290 host or organiser ofrepparttar 120291 show to ensure that he/she thinks of you inrepparttar 120292 future when opportunities present itself. You may be more likely to get an interview or article publishes inrepparttar 120293 future ifrepparttar 120294 first one went well or if you have build a good relationship with this person.

Ben Botes isrepparttar 120295 head Coach at a web portal dedicated to 1st time business leaders and entrepreneurs. Visitrepparttar 120296 site for hundreds of free Micro Modules, Teleclases, Resources and Coaching designed for you to succeed with your business.

You are free to reprint this article in your ezine or ebook, or on your website, as long asrepparttar 120297 contents inrepparttar 120298 article andrepparttar 120299 resource box are not changed.

en Botes is the head Coach at a web portal dedicated to 1st time business leaders and entrepreneurs. Visit the site for hundreds of free Micro Modules, Teleclases, Resources and Coaching designed for you to succeed with your business.

10 High Powered Ways To Magnify Your Profits

Written by Ken Hill

Continued from page 1

You could also post your endorser's picture along with her testimonial to increase it's effectiveness.

6. Survey your customers.

Your surveys will help you to pinpoint what you are doing right and also help you to identify things you can work on.

Add a freebie in exchange for taking your surveys to increaserepparttar number of people that take them.

7. Offer an affiliate program for your visitors and customers to join.

Provide your affiliates with useful promotional items that they can use to start selling your products as quickly as possible.

For example, you could give them sample ads, banners and button ads to place on their sites, and sample recommendations.

You could also let them publish your articles with their affiliates URLs in your resource box, or you could create an ebook or marketing course that they can use to get more commissions by providing it to their visitors or subscribers.

8. Publish an ezine.

Promote your ezine on every page of your site and also submit it to ezine directories and announcement lists.

Provide your subscribers with useful tips, advice, and articles to keep them reading your ezine on a regular basis.

9. Offer add ons on your purchase page.

For example, you could offer a deluxe version of your product or you could offer a related product on your purchase page that your new customers would be interested in purchasing.

10. Offer f~ree teleclasses to your visitors and ezine subscribers.

Your teleclasses will increase your prospect's trust in you and help you to get more people to visit your site ready to buy your products.

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Get more marketing tips by joining Ken's Top Notch Marketing Ezine at For more articles by Ken Hill visit:

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