Racism and You

Written by Maureen Killoran, MA, DMin

Continued from page 1
with issues of theft (Thou shalt not steal?). How about individual need versus corporate greed? Assigned responsibility (the security guards) vs your own “right to privacy” (mind your own business?) What about your potential embarrassment (what is she isrepparttar manager’s crazy aunt and they reclaimrepparttar 130279 goods each night), or her potential shame (an “old lady” hauled off to jail)?

Onrepparttar 130280 other hand – are some animals more equal than others? What would you have done ifrepparttar 130281 thief had been a body-pierced teen? A person of color? A white man in dirty overalls?

What would you do? What would you not do? Why? What difference does it make? (c) M. Killoran, Hendersonville NC 2003

Maureen Killoran is a certified Authentic Happiness Life Coach and Unitarian Universalist minister. Check her website, www.spiritquest.ws, for information about her coaching, workshops, e-courses, and her free monthly e-zine, SEEDS OF CHANGE.

Stage Fright

Written by Tracy

Continued from page 1

DURING On Stage, keep notes in your pocket. This will prompt your brain to remember your material (I already know your practiced a lot so I won't remind you of that.) If your notes are in your hand while your nervousrepparttar audience could see them shake and you'll most likely use them simply out of that nervousness. Make eye contact with your audience, especially those warm and friendly faces. Talk to that one person for a moment, and you won't feel so alone and isolated. Never mention your nervousness, and I bet no one else will either.

Know that you can gain control of your stage fright. That control can become a powerful ally to you on stage. No one has ever died of stage fright so I'm sure you'll be quite safe if you've practiced, practiced, practiced. Because being well prepared will berepparttar 130277 greatest thing you can do to overcome stage fright. But feel free to try these other suggestions as well.

Think successfully! Tracy

Tracy Brinkmann is an Atlanta area based goal setting and success counselor. Through his company Success Atlas, he presents goal-setting, motivational & educational speeches, training sessions (group or 1-on-1) and products. Sign up for his free e-Zine http://www.tracybrinkmann.bizhosting.com/

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