RSS Reader is a life raft saving us from a sea of useless information.

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

Another great aspect ofrepparttar RSS Reader program isrepparttar 118646 fact that you can put in key words of interest andrepparttar 118647 computer will surfrepparttar 118648 Web for you and add new blogs and web sites to your list, rating them according torepparttar 118649 terms you have selected. You then scan over these and addrepparttar 118650 ones you feel are relevant, deletingrepparttar 118651 detritus. Eventually you will have an email-style formatted file where you can search through all your favourite writers, news, and topics’ latest information. Then you also have functions such as ‘comment’ so you can automatically share your input with your fellow humans. Or, you can reply torepparttar 118652 ‘messages’ and actually communicate withrepparttar 118653 producers ofrepparttar 118654 ideas.

This will really help to decentraliserepparttar 118655 information sharing processes ofrepparttar 118656 current top-down mass communication systems likerepparttar 118657 media. We can hear multiple opinions on an issue and give our own views, instead of being told one story that is heavily affected byrepparttar 118658 company’s personal perspective ofrepparttar 118659 situation.

So, you can see this hasrepparttar 118660 potential for something quite big. Less time wasted, finding allrepparttar 118661 knowledge you’re looking for, and sharing your opinion and meeting others similar to yourself has never been so easy. The RSS Reader is a knife cutting away allrepparttar 118662 useless packaging, revealingrepparttar 118663 true content ofrepparttar 118664 gift ofrepparttar 118665 Internet.

Jesse S. Somer M6.Net Jesse S. Somer is a simple-minded fool discovering the hidden opportunities and magical possibilities that reside in the world of the Internet. Come join him on this adventure.

Chat Rooms

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

I guess it’s good that bored people in our technological society have others to talk to. It means depressed adolescents may feel more connected to others and not so alone inrepparttar world, maybe even having a positive effect on a possibly suicidal youth. But, I do feel this nonsensical chitchat is a sign of our next generation’s apathetic view of present reality in our postmodern culture. When readingrepparttar 118645 text from a supposedly religious discussion, and hearing graphic use of derogatory terminology, I really have to wonder aboutrepparttar 118646 present spiritual beliefs of my culture.

I’m a true believer ofrepparttar 118647 concept that technology is here to furtherrepparttar 118648 consciousness of humanity. Computers andrepparttar 118649 Internet can help bring all of us inrepparttar 118650 world together, thus evolving our society torepparttar 118651 next level. After looking at chat rooms, I feel there is a need to integrate more wisdom and compassion into our ‘new world’ generation. Havingrepparttar 118652 technology is great, but it is only one half ofrepparttar 118653 equation. To makerepparttar 118654 Internet work properly, I think we need to instillrepparttar 118655 same faith we have in science, into a faith that encompassesrepparttar 118656 actual creators ofrepparttar 118657 information and communication tools-humanity itself. We seem to realize that we can invent many great things, but it looks like we’re missing out onrepparttar 118658 great truth: that we ourselves are part of, and made of something great in itself: Life. (Existence!)

Jesse S. Somer M6.Net Jesse S. Somer is a simple human hoping to help others to see the huge possibilities of the Internet.

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