RSS Explained

Written by Nick Usborne

Continued from page 1

Meanwhile, here is what I am doing behindrepparttar scenes to deliver this information

I added one new document torepparttar 124527 root folder of my web site onrepparttar 124528 server. It's an XML file, "excessfeed.xml" (no need to know what that is).

Within this XML file I includerepparttar 124529 necessary coding andrepparttar 124530 preview text and links you see in My Yahoo! or Bloglines.

Whenever I add a new article, review or newsletter to my site, I updaterepparttar 124531 content in this XML file and upload it to my server.

Yahoo! and Bloglines will periodically check that XML file so see if it has been updated. If it has, they let you know inrepparttar 124532 ways I described above.

I can decide how many feeds I want to create and how many items to have within each feed. I can even add small images. And I can schedule whenrepparttar 124533 feeds are updated. For instance, with my newsletter, I send outrepparttar 124534 newsletter broadcast atrepparttar 124535 same time as I uploadrepparttar 124536 revised XML file. So it is published by email and onrepparttar 124537 web atrepparttar 124538 same time.

>> How do I do all this XML coding?

What's XML? I have no idea. I use a WYSIWYG software tool called FeedForAll. It provides me with a simple interface that enables me to create, format, edit and upload my feeds.

>> As an information you can go RSS crazy

Once you getrepparttar 124539 idea and have chosen your preferred RSS Reader (Yahoo!, Bloglines etc), you can subscribe to dozens of different, newsletters, articles, blogs and more.

Sign up with one click, and unsubscribe with one click (No more newsletter unsubscribe hassles.)

>> As a publisher...gain more readers

More and more people are turning to RSS. They use it instead of subscribing to newsletters. They also use it to choose which elements of content they want to hear about from various sites.

>> As a webmaster...publish tons of fresh, updated content

Yes, if you have a website, you can have RSS content delivered directly to your site. You wantrepparttar 124540 latest art and culture news fromrepparttar 124541 BBC showing on your site, automatically updated? No problem. Hencerepparttar 124542 'Syndication' in RSS - Really Simple Syndication.

>> In conclusion...

This brief explanation isn't intended to tell you everything there is to know about RSS. But I hope I have covered enough to give you your own 'ah-ha' moment.

Nick Usborne is a copywriter, author and speaker. You can access all his newsletter articles on writing for the web at his site. You'll find more articles and resources on how to make money as a freelance writer at

Pricing Your Products

Written by David Bell

Continued from page 1

Unique is Rain Barrels made in Maine. It's Exotic Cheeses imported from Italy. Silk Parisian Lingerie. Things you don't see every day, but would be proud to give as a gift.

Then there's "common". Everybody and their grandmothers are selling Alabaster Figurines onrepparttar Internet. Do they sell? Sure, in a limited fashion. Do you want to sell them? Not if you want to make any real money.

In my experience, unique products, like Rain Barrels and Parisian Lingerie, DO sell. So do Coleman Sleeping Bags, and Conair Hair Dryers. BRAND NAMES sell. Look at your potential product, and ask yourself honestly if YOU would buy it onrepparttar 124526 'Net.

<> Set your price

Takerepparttar 124527 five lowest prices you collected on a product in your list that has survivedrepparttar 124528 above. Calculate your estimated cost, then subtract that fromrepparttar 124529 lowest price. If you don't see at LEAST 15% profit, don't bother.

If you do, there are a couple of ways to proceed. You can undercutrepparttar 124530 lowest price in your "venue" by a bit, and hope to "kick off"repparttar 124531 product and get yourself noticed. Chances are, though, thatrepparttar 124532 following week you'll find that someone has undercut YOUR price by just a bit. That becomes a losing game.

I generally set up a couple of "loss leaders". These are desirable items (in my general product line) that I sell dirt cheap just to bring in customers. Then I pricerepparttar 124533 rest of my products atrepparttar 124534 second or third lowest price in my venue. The customers come in forrepparttar 124535 loss leaders, and then I can market everything else to them via email. I spend a lot of time making my site look better and easier to navigate, and pay a great deal of attention to my customers.

That makes me more reputable inrepparttar 124536 eyes ofrepparttar 124537 customer. You'll find that people don't mind paying just a little more if they feel comfortable in your store. They don't like to worry that they're buying from a "hack" who may not deliver. Nothing says "hack" like a cluttered, confusing storefront.

<> Follow up

After you've sold an item for a month or two, revise that "cost of goods sold". Measuring past performance is just as important as settingrepparttar 124538 correct price to begin with. If sales drop, recheck your competition. If that's not it, droprepparttar 124539 product, or shelve it untilrepparttar 124540 "season" comes back around. Don't get sentimental about your products, and NEVER just let your store sit there in limbo once it starts to make money. This is a dynamic business; stay on top of it!

<> A last word (or three)

Retail pricing onrepparttar 124541 Internet is so fraught with permutations that it would be impossible to cover everything here, even if I KNEW everything. The steps above are justrepparttar 124542 basics of a process that works for me. Hopefully something here will strike a chord and work for you as well. Patience and persistence arerepparttar 124543 keys to a successful Internet business, so hang in there, and don't quitrepparttar 124544 day job for at least a couple of weeks. ;o) I hope this helps in your future marketing decisions.

David Bell Advertising research and development center

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