RSS: Get Notified When Your Favorite Websites Are Updated

Written by Bear Cahill

Continued from page 1

It gives you more of an 'at-a-glance' view of all your monitored sites. Imagine if when you went to click on your bookmark for a site that it also said right then ifrepparttar site had changed and how.

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Also, depending onrepparttar 118449 RSS reader you use, it can tell you when you have a new update onrepparttar 118450 site.

Sites with RSS Feeds

There are many sites w/ RSS feeds. To know if a site has an RSS feed, look for an "RSS" link onrepparttar 118451 site or a button/icon w/ RSS, ATOM or XML on it.


One cool use is to setrepparttar 118452 RSS feed for a news search on a site. At Yahoo! News you can search on a topic inrepparttar 118453 news and then subscribe to that feed usingrepparttar 118454 XML icon.

A lot of news/info/blog sites have RSS feeds that can help you keep up to date onrepparttar 118455 info you want. The Armchair Geek is just such a site.

It's a collection of tech info that's updated regularly. You can see if/when it's been updated in your reader, seerepparttar 118456 title ofrepparttar 118457 updates and a short summary and then decide if you want to loadrepparttar 118458 site or that post or nothing.

Bottom Line

RSS readers allow you to seerepparttar 118459 latest updates to sites (and possibly be notified) at-a-glance without having to go to all your sites and load them. It's like peaking into many sites from a single place.

Bear Cahill runs: The Armchair Geek (, Webpage Hosting Info (, Go To College Online ( and The Video Exchange Community (

The Ten Commandments to Creating Amazing Audio Products

Written by John Kiel

Continued from page 1

7.Thou shall use cheap resources for your audio.

I get all my bubble pack shippers and CD cases off of Ebay. They have some great deals. I get my CD’s duplicated at because they can run small quantities of 50. I wouldn’t get any more made until you know you have a winner.

8.Thou shall have fun when creating your audio products

I have to say I really enjoyrepparttar creation process and it’s really neat when you go to record a product and can play it back and listen to it onrepparttar 118448 fly. You get a sense that this thing is really coming together. And when you addrepparttar 118449 music you really get a sense of satisfaction. Creating audio is really instant gratification when it comes to creating info products. I love it…

As of this writing, I’m working with my wife on a product and I’m interviewing her and we are having a blast. She makes mistakes and I make them and we just sit there and laugh. My wife hasrepparttar 118450 UH and UM syndrome so we are trying to get cured of that… Butrepparttar 118451 point is that we are having a good time.

Quick Tip: I use a splitter to add two microphones to my computer. You need to raiserepparttar 118452 volume to get it normalized.

9.Thou shall build a audio information empire

If you really want to get a jump start inrepparttar 118453 information product business this isrepparttar 118454 easiest and funniest way to do it. As fast as you can record and edit these thingsrepparttar 118455 faster you can crank them out and start making some money. Also audio CD and tapes have a higher perceived value and you can get more for them then by just selling an e-book.

10.Thou shall learn what software to use for your audios.

Software can be expensive. Many ofrepparttar 118456 gurus recommend Sounforge but I prefer a program from Cakewalk called Plasma. This software is halfrepparttar 118457 price of Soundforge and is very versatile.

Well there you have it. Some good tips to get you started on building your audio empire.

Happy Recording,

John Kiel

(c)2005 John Kiel

If you’re looking to take a shortcut and you would like me to take you by the hand and show you all the tricks to record audio products, add audio to the web, and record telephone conversations then my new video and audio tutorial course is for you. I even throw in 5 software programs to launch your audio business and at a price you will not believe.Go now to

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