Written by John Rocco

Continued from page 1
larger in width and height thanrepparttar old window frame. Another option is to installrepparttar 100098 retrofit fin on top ofrepparttar 100099 wood trim. You can do this as long asrepparttar 100100 depth fromrepparttar 100101 face ofrepparttar 100102 wood trim torepparttar 100103 point inrepparttar 100104 house ofrepparttar 100105 innermost portion ofrepparttar 100106 old aluminum frame is less than 3 inches deep. The reason is because a good quality retrofit window will have a 3 inch frame depth fromrepparttar 100107 back ofrepparttar 100108 flush fin torepparttar 100109 innermost part ofrepparttar 100110 frame. That innermost part needs to be further intorepparttar 100111 house thanrepparttar 100112 innermost part ofrepparttar 100113 aluminum frame so thatrepparttar 100114 aluminum frame will be hidden after we applyrepparttar 100115 inside trim. What if you have brick aroundrepparttar 100116 window openings? Or siding? Then what? Well, if you can installrepparttar 100117 window againstrepparttar 100118 face ofrepparttar 100119 brick or siding and still haverepparttar 100120 innermost part ofrepparttar 100121 vinyl frame be further intorepparttar 100122 home thanrepparttar 100123 old frame, then you can userepparttar 100124 retrofit style frame. If not, then you have to userepparttar 100125 replacement style frame,then use trim to finishrepparttar 100126 outside.

The main point to remember when determining whether or not to use a retrofit frame or a standard replacement frame is that in order to userepparttar 100127 retrofit frame there needs to be less than 3 inches fromrepparttar 100128 outside point whererepparttar 100129 flush fin will rest torepparttar 100130 inside point inrepparttar 100131 room whererepparttar 100132 old frame ends. If it's less than 3 inches, go withrepparttar 100133 retro, more than 3 inches, userepparttar 100134 replacement frame and add trim torepparttar 100135 outside in lieu ofrepparttar 100136 flush fin.

Next week i am going to explainrepparttar 100137 process of removingrepparttar 100138 old aluminum window.

John Rocco has been installing replacement windows since 1978. To learn more, visit How To Install Windows

John Rocco has been installing replacement windows since 1978. To learn more, visit


Written by John Rocco

Continued from page 1

Now, let's go back torepparttar vertical center bar and assume you didn't find any screws to remove it. That meansrepparttar 100097 fixed piece of glass doesn't have a frame around it. It's glazed in with either silicone, caulk, or double foam tape. You have to take outrepparttar 100098 glass, then cutrepparttar 100099 center bar out using a reciprocating saw. Usually, there will be "stops" onrepparttar 100100 outside to help keeprepparttar 100101 fixed piece of glass in place. There will be 4 of them, one on top, bottom, and each side. You should be able to just pry them out with a screw driver. Then, you can go inside and cut awayrepparttar 100102 adhesive holdingrepparttar 100103 glass inrepparttar 100104 frame. Use a utility knife and cut betweenrepparttar 100105 glass and frame. Wear gloves, and be careful not to put your hand throughrepparttar 100106 glass. Put a sheet or tarp outside and letrepparttar 100107 glass fall into it. You could also have a helper stand on a ladder aboverepparttar 100108 glass and try grabbingrepparttar 100109 top edge as you cut it away fromrepparttar 100110 frame. Have your helper also wear gloves. The reason forrepparttar 100111 ladder is that you want to be aboverepparttar 100112 glass in case it has a little crack that you can't see. As soon as you grabrepparttar 100113 glass,repparttar 100114 crack will run across torepparttar 100115 opposite edge, and suddenly you will find yourself trying to hold multiple pieces of glass atrepparttar 100116 same time. Being onrepparttar 100117 ladder, ifrepparttar 100118 glass "runs", you let go. Afterrepparttar 100119 glass is out, cutrepparttar 100120 bottom portion ofrepparttar 100121 center bar flush withrepparttar 100122 bottom track. Then, you can wigglerepparttar 100123 bar back and forth to breakrepparttar 100124 top screw free. You can apply this removal process to picture windows that have no sliding panel. Just treat it like you didrepparttar 100125 fixed portion, without having to remove a center bar.

Next week we will talk aboutrepparttar 100126 installation differences between a vinyl replacement frame and a vinyl retrofit frame.

John Rocco has been installing replacement windows since 1978. To learn more, visit

John Rocco has been installing replacement windows since 1978. To learn more, visit

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