Written by David Stoddard

Continued from page 1

It was then that she decided she had had enough. She began gathering her thoughts and ideas in order to put together a career book for women. It worked into more of a "fictional" business than a career guidance book. Looking at what she had thought, Mary Kay Cosmetics was created.

Duringrepparttar early years,repparttar 106646 company took off. Ran into legal problems, settledrepparttar 106647 suit, continued to grow, sold stock torepparttar 106648 public inrepparttar 106649 70s. Fell in a bit of a recession inrepparttar 106650 mid 80s. Her family boughtrepparttar 106651 company back and kept if private. Products and materials were updated, andrepparttar 106652 company was once again on it's feet.

Her little idea grew from 11 sales people in 1963 to more than 850,000 last year.

Throughout her life, her purpose has been to give women a voice in business, to help give themrepparttar 106653 confidence in themselves to go out and do what they want no matter whatrepparttar 106654 rest ofrepparttar 106655 world may say.

To assist in doing this, Mary Kay had written three books. Her autobiography "Mary Kay" was published in 1981. Her business book, "Mary Kay on People Management'' came out in 1984. Her last book, a motivational tale "Mary Kay – You Can Have it All" was a best-seller in 1995.

Overrepparttar 106656 years, Mary Kay has often told her employees to put God first, family second and career third. ``With your priorities in order, press on, and never look back. May all of your dreams come true. You can, indeed, have it all.'' (Mary Kay Ash).

David Stoddard is a writer, commentator and motivational speaker. Sign up for his motivational ezine (Que Sera Sera) at his web site or by sending a blank message to

Guidelines for surviving -- and even thriving in -- the online recession

Written by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Continued from page 1

#3 Increase Your Prospect Lead Flow

All businesses are based on a sales formula: X number of prospect leads produce Y dollars. In a recession to maintain or even increase sales you must increaserepparttar number of prospect leads. This can be done in several ways.

First, return to every single lapsed customer from your past. Make them a spectacular offer. Be direct: "We want your business!" Make it very clear to them that you are offering incredible VALUE forrepparttar 106645 chance to serve them. Again, in a recession people cut their spending... but they remain onrepparttar 106646 alert for increased VALUE. Let these people who already know you know that you have something very special for them.

Look atrepparttar 106647 ways you currently get your prospect leads. What can you do to increase their number? At Worldprofit, we offer Lead Source, which is a prospect lead service for people with an online business opportunity, affiliate program, network marketing opportunity, etc. Lead Source enables cost-conscious entrepreneursrepparttar 106648 chance to get unlimited FREE prospect leads. This kind of service is valuable at any time, of course, but during a recession it's worth its weight in gold. It offers entrepreneurs a vital service they MUST have... while making it available at a price that just cannot be beat anywhere, anytime: FREE!

#4 Outmaneuver Your Competitors

Recessions follow good times. This means that a recession (a time of economic challenge) follows a time of prosperity (which means a period of sloth, laziness, and a pervasive lack of payingrepparttar 106649 closest possible attention to detail.) The people who get through recessions develop money consciousness and pay attention both to what's happening with them and what's happening to their competitors. One reason for this competitor consciousness is so that you can outmaneuver people who may not yet be as alert torepparttar 106650 economic situation as you are, people who are still half sleep and are therefore easier for you to outdistance.

Your goal is to get through this recession inrepparttar 106651 best possible order. Your competitors ought to haverepparttar 106652 same objective as you do, may even SAY that they do, but may not ACT as if they mean it. This is an advantage to you. Your job is, first of all, to pay close attention to what your competitors are doing,repparttar 106653 offers they are making,repparttar 106654 messages they are sending customers and prospects. You must then go to these same people with a better offer, with more VALUE. In short, you must go withrepparttar 106655 objective of making other people's customers YOUR customers. Again, remember that during a recession people don't stop buying, but they do look more closely for VALUE. By offering VALUE you weaken your competitors and strengthen your own position.

Last Words

Properly understood, a recession may be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Anyone can run a business and make money in good times. But onlyrepparttar 106656 smartest people,repparttar 106657 most determined,repparttar 106658 best prepared can prosper during a recession. If you do what's necessary, that'll be you, prospering now so that you can prosper still more whenrepparttar 106659 next good times come, as they inevitably will. Or you can act like Chicken Little and run around shouting thatrepparttar 106660 sky is falling which it will surely do -- on you!

Dr. Jeffrey Lant is Co-Founder and CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. at For FREE subscriptions to Dr. Lant's & Worldprofit online business newsletters, go to For Dr. Lant's Sure-Fire Business Success Catalog, visit For detailed FREE reports on how to succeed online, visit

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