Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

Continued from page 1
There is a highly credentialed school of thought that advocates: "Every exercise, every movement and every activity you do is an abdominal exercise if you draw your belly button in and brace your abdominal muscles. Sit-ups and crunches waste your time and do not produce results." I personally believe that there is not one formula for all bodies. For those that have no lower back problems, ever, plus perfect balance, coordination and that conditioned response to pullrepparttar navel in torepparttar 135840 spine, I say yes, you don’t need to do abs. But for us mere mortals who at times twist, bend and pull things (or children!)and forget to brace…well you still need to do your abs. Remember practice makes perfect and that bracing response at varying resistances and degrees is not innate but practiced. So based on this article I will let Jeanne be her own judge and in an informed way let her decide whether she needs to do her abs or not. PS. If she decides to not do them I will monitor carefully her balance, strength , coordination and lower back response and if I do see any signs of weakness I will discuss with herrepparttar 135841 need to suffuse an ab workout intermittently. TWO WEEKS LATER Jeanne has since clarified that she doesn’t wantrepparttar 135842 muscle definition but most of all she doesn’t want any roundness ofrepparttar 135843 belly. So, we entirely ommitted crunches. By eliminatingrepparttar 135844 crunches and workingrepparttar 135845 abs through whole body movements and engagingrepparttar 135846 twisting and bending movements her abs have flattened out entirely again. She has not lost balance, strength or coordination and her conditioned response is now to pull navel in and brace her abs. She will not have that 6 pack definition that is so sought after, but that is her personal choice. For myself personally and all clients who choose to do so I will continue to do crunches, coming up and working only torepparttar 135847 point whererepparttar 135848 navel can stay in towardsrepparttar 135849 center of gravity(spine). Ifrepparttar 135850 abdominals pop out at allrepparttar 135851 belly will develop roundness, and that conditioned response to pulling in may be weakened. But isn’t it great to know that you can be working your abs all day long, in whatever you are doing, just brace them and pull in! Voila! Flat abs.

Deborah Caruana RN, AAHRFP, NASM, ACE, email

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success.

The Scoop on Stress.

Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

Continued from page 1

Did we need this experiment to prove our point? Hardly. Butrepparttar scientists do and here we are with more proof of what we already knew. Sincerepparttar 135839 fight-or-flight response is designed for physical action, regular exercise isrepparttar 135840 best way of dissipatingrepparttar 135841 physical manifestations of stress hormones inrepparttar 135842 body. Exercise, even stretching, can relieve tension inrepparttar 135843 muscles. While fight-or-flight taxesrepparttar 135844 immune system moderate physical activity can bolsterrepparttar 135845 immune response. Exercise can also counteractrepparttar 135846 anxiety adrenaline and cortisol may cause when they floodrepparttar 135847 bloodstream for prolonged periods. Most obviously, exercise is an outlet for excess adrenaline, and has been shown to blunt cortisol production. But another way it achieves this is by releasing serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stimulatesrepparttar 135848 brain's "happy centers." This occurs most dramatically withinrepparttar 135849 first 30 minutes of physical activity, then tapers off. Exercise also inducesrepparttar 135850 release of endorphins, which block pain messages and can enhance mood. There are peripheral benefits to physical activity as well. The sense of self-control that comes with overcomingrepparttar 135851 anxiety provoking stress, of courserepparttar 135852 weight loss that comes withrepparttar 135853 exercise andrepparttar 135854 improved body image affects our outlook, and so our interactions with others, which in turn improve our mood. So empower yourself and make friends with stress. What Stress Can Do For YOU! New research is telling us that stress should be welcomed. Increasing evidence is pointing to how stress can: ·Prevent cancer from returning ·Reducerepparttar 135855 chance of heart attack ·Increase life expectancy ·Boostrepparttar 135856 immune system ·Increase brain power Well, do you feel any better now?

Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT. CALL 212-677-3185 EMAIL WEB

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success.

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