Written by Helene Mazur

Continued from page 1

Seeingrepparttar results of a change initiative can take time. It takes personal courage to get up each morning and say 'I am going to do what I know it takes’. Keeping an eye on evenrepparttar 142326 most compelling vision takes commitment.

Many businesses fail because they don’t implementrepparttar 142327 systems or enlist support to providerepparttar 142328 necessary feedback to successfully manage change.


If follow-through isrepparttar 142329 hard part for you or your team, acknowledge it, and build in a safety net! An unbiased business partner or coach can make it possible to help you putrepparttar 142330 discipline in place that will make change possible. While most of us can benefit from an objective opinion and another point of view, one ofrepparttar 142331 most beneficial roles of a coach is to serve as a reminder of what YOU KNOW you need to do.

A competent, compatible business partner can be an advocate, encouraging you to sustainrepparttar 142332 right mindset, help you figure out how to overcome obstacles, and hold you accountable to achieving what you desire.


Evaluation isrepparttar 142333 process of measuring success. If your strategic plan is well-conceived, it will be invaluable for measuring success. Part of a good planning process includes deciding up front what you want to see as a result, how you will measure success, who will evaluate it, and when.

No matter how much planning one does, unforeseen events will occur. Things will happen that may make it advisable for you to change one or more parts of your plan. Planning for flexibility is important. When you are confronted with such a change in circumstances, you'll need to carefully reviewrepparttar 142334 plan to see if it still represents what you want, what you need, and how to get there.


Where are you inrepparttar 142335 planning process? If you are ready to move forward but are having a bit of trouble takingrepparttar 142336 leap, enlist help!

The right support structure can assist you to jumpstartrepparttar 142337 process, evaluate progress, celebrate success, and if necessary reviserepparttar 142338 plan.

If you are serious about seeing your plans come to life, find a partner to assist and… GO FOR IT!

Copyright 2005 by Helene Mazur--All Rights Reserved

Helene Mazur is the President of Princeton Performance Dynamics. As a business coach and team facilitator Helene helps individuals and organizations look at their situation from new perspectives, strategize, focus, and take action to achieve goals that are important to them.

Saying Goodbye to Stacks of Paper and Distractions

Written by Bob Lodie

Continued from page 1

A Game Plan Will Save Your Day

Like a professional athlete you need a game plan, otherwise you’ll lose your day to distractions and urgencies; you’ll run from one activity to another, always busy, always in motion. Starting your day without a game plan putsrepparttar other team in control and you play their game asrepparttar 142325 events in your day pull you helplessly along. You’ll be busy, but not productive; motion without direction won’t winrepparttar 142326 game. It’s not about “doing things right”, it’s about “doingrepparttar 142327 right things right.”

Here are a few simple steps to take to win your game everyday.

•Begin a list each day of important tasks not completed fromrepparttar 142328 day before. •Add tasks to this list that are driven byrepparttar 142329 commitments you made to others that you recorded in your journal onrepparttar 142330 previous day. •Add any tasks that will prepare you for meetings and appointments forrepparttar 142331 day and a few days ahead. •As a last step, prioritize this list designatingrepparttar 142332 “must do today” items withrepparttar 142333 letter A,repparttar 142334 “should do’s” withrepparttar 142335 letter B, andrepparttar 142336 “could do’s” with a C.

In less than 15 minutes you’ll have your game plan done. Now runrepparttar 142337 winning plays first,repparttar 142338 ones withrepparttar 142339 letter A.

A Game Plan is a Critical Success Factor

You’re inrepparttar 142340 business of delivering service and advice. To inspire loyalty and trust in your clients you must keep your commitments to them. This means staying on top ofrepparttar 142341 commitments you make everyday. Just 15 minutes a day of building your game plan forrepparttar 142342 day will put you in charge and give you control. Legendary football coach Bear Bryant said, “It's notrepparttar 142343 will to win that counts as much asrepparttar 142344 will to prepare to win.” Win each day by preparing a game plan to win each day.

If you would like to receive an in-depth tutorial onrepparttar 142345 daily Game Plan process, send me an email withrepparttar 142346 subject line “Game Plan”.

Bob Lodie is a speaker, business strategy coach and consultant to financial advisors. He is author of Three Steps to Million Dollar Production and Personal Success from the Inside Out. He can be reached at or direct at 310-552-6064

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