Qutting Smoking - Ways to Stop

Written by Steven A. Harold

Continued from page 1

4) Patches, Gum and Lozenges These methods still give you nicotine. The idea is that it helps with any withdrawal symptoms you may put down to stopping smoking. It is an odd sort of logic in that patches, gum and lozenges still give you nicotine as a way of helping stop taking nicotine via cigarettes. Also as long as you chew gum, suck lozenges or have to wear a patch it constantly reminds you of smoking. A constant reminder is not a useful method to use to help stop doing something.

5) False Cigarette This is a substitute forrepparttar action and behaviour of smoking but withoutrepparttar 145517 intake of allrepparttar 145518 chemicals involved. It helps those who would ordinarily miss not doing something withrepparttar 145519 hands or those who would feel less confident with having nothing in their hands. The down side is that although you are no longer inhaling all those poisons you are still keepingrepparttar 145520 habit and behaviour of smoking going.

6) Zyban A prescribed drug that was found to help smokers with any perceived chemical withdrawal symptoms. The idea is that ifrepparttar 145521 physical side of smoking is being aided by zyban than all you have to do is to deal withrepparttar 145522 action or routine of smoking. As soon as you have stoppedrepparttar 145523 routine and discovered you are okay and life can carry on then you can under your doctor's direction come off zyban. Once again a method that may work for some but there may be side effects of using zyban which need consideration before using this method.

7) Acupuncture This isrepparttar 145524 ancient Chinese treatment that inserts needles in certain acupuncture points onrepparttar 145525 body. The acupuncture points are not random but are definite and accurate places onrepparttar 145526 body. The idea with acupuncture is to enablerepparttar 145527 free flow of energy known as chi (pronounced 'chee') to flow alongrepparttar 145528 meridian lines inrepparttar 145529 body. Blocks inrepparttar 145530 energy flow can cause or relate to issues whether physical, mental or emotional. For some acupuncture treatment has succeeded in helping them to stop smoking.

8) Shock event For many people a shock of some sort will cause them to finally quit smoking. The shock may berepparttar 145531 discovery of some smoking related illness such as cancer or it may berepparttar 145532 loss of a friend or relative. Either way it brings home torepparttar 145533 smoker their own mortality and what part they play in staying well and healthy. No one really chooses to be unhealthy. The shock event can work for many people and help them to stop smoking. Whererepparttar 145534 shock event fails is when over time, old fears feel more distant andrepparttar 145535 ex-smoker once again feels comfortable with smoking.

The overriding asset and best resource in using any ofrepparttar 145536 above methods isrepparttar 145537 decision to stop smoking. So just make your decision to stop smoking and then stick to it.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

My Story

Written by Shauna McKenzie

Continued from page 1

Now, it has been over two years and I am happy to say I feel like a million bucks. No more anti-fatigue meds for me; my daytime sleeping is now a thing ofrepparttar past, thank God. Usana didn’t cure me; I still have MS but WOW! My whole quality of life has been completely transformed. As long as I continue to take my vitamins faithfully (a small price to pay, consideringrepparttar 145516 alternative,) I remain symptom free. And as if this isn’t amazing enough by itself, this same company actually pays me to take these vitamins. How can I lose? I am definitely in a win-win situation. My husband and my family and friends are relieved to haverepparttar 145517 “real Shauna” back, and I’m just plain enjoying my life again. If these vitamins can do what they did for me, imagine what they can do for you.

Shauna McKenzie can be reached by writing to kenziegirl64@hotmail.com or by calling (780) 490-1902. http://www.oil-net.com/shauna_mckenzie.htm

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