Quick And Easy Bathroom Decor Changes

Written by Duane Jones

Continued from page 1

Another simple and easy change torepparttar appearance of any bathroom isrepparttar 100057 flooring. If you don't like what you see, change it. Fortunately, most bathroom floor spaces are fairly small and so not much material is needed. There are several options that you can choose from including vinyl sheets, ceramic tile, or vinyl tile squares. If you want simple and easy, stick-on vinyl tiles are probablyrepparttar 100058 way to go. You can get them at a local Home Improvement store and they are usually very inexpensive too, and you can get some great looking designs that look very close to actual ceramic tile at a casual glance. Armed with a small cutter to trimrepparttar 100059 tiles when needed or shape them around an object onrepparttar 100060 bathroom floor, you are ready to go. If you make a mistake, peel up that tile, throw it away and use another one. Simple and easy!

Finally, buy some new towels forrepparttar 100061 bathroom. Get some great new colors and designs that are eye-cathcing and pleasing. Again, not much money invested for lots of return in visual appeal.

Change outrepparttar 100062 door knobs on your vanity and closet, and changerepparttar 100063 shower curtain and rings if you have one.

Just a few of these inexpensive changes in a bathroom can go a long way to changing that tired, old, cluttered, bathroom into one that makes you proud to show it off, and a pleasure to use.

Duane Jones - All About Bed And Bath provides free information, resources and tips on finding bedding, comforters, bathroom fixtures, tubs, and more for your home at the very best price.

Cabinet Hardware 101

Written by Scott Touchton

Continued from page 1

When shopping for cabinet pulls, you should knowrepparttar center-to-center measurement that you need.

Center to center (CTC) - Measurement fromrepparttar 100056 center of one hole torepparttar 100057 center of another. This measurement is used to measure both hardware andrepparttar 100058 surfaces to which hardware is applied.

If holes have not yet been drilled in your cabinets then you can start fresh and are not limited in your choices. If holes are already drilled inrepparttar 100059 cabinets for hardware, this can definitely limit your options of hardware. Common CTC sizes are 3”, 3-1/2” and 4”.

Some popular manufacturers of cabinet hardware are listed here: Alno, Ashley Norton, Baldwin, Colonial Bronze, Emtek, Fusion, Rocky Mountain, Top Knobs.

Scott Touchton is an employee of www.SpecialtyHardwareOutlet.com which is a Birmingham, Alabama based decorative hardware outlet.

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