Putting an "ADD TO FAVORITES" button on your page

Written by Amrit Hallan

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Untitled< itle> </head> <body> <form> <input type="button" value="Add To Favorites" onClick="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('http://www.bytes worth.com', 'Bytesworth Internet Marketing Solutions');"> </form><p></body> </html><p>The code has information about my web site, but you can easily replace it with yours.<p> <br><img src="images/ata.gif"><br> <p>Amrit Hallan is a freelance web designer. For all web site development and web promotion needs, you can get in touch with him at http://www.bytesworth.com. For more such articles, visit http://www.bytesworth.com/articles and http://www.bytesworth.com/learn You can subscribe to his newsletter [BYTESWORTH REACHOUT] on Web Designing Tips & Tricks by sending a blank email at bytesworth-subscribe@topica.com<br><br><br></font></td><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --><td align="top" width="10%"></td><td align="top" width="45%"><h2>CASCADING STYLE SHEETS AND SERVER SIDE INCLUDES</h2><font size="2">Written by Amrit Hallan</font><br><br><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5766870852072819"; google_ad_width = 234; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "234x60_as"; google_ad_channel ="9238851329"; google_color_border = "CFB9A1"; google_color_bg = "CFB9A1"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "431B02"; google_color_text = "431B02"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> <font size="2"><br>Continued from page 1<br><p><a class="sec2" href="http://www.goneforever.dead.org" rel="nofollow">To see<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar "> site of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134579"> dead, click this black text.</a><p>Let's now life<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134580"> CSS affairs and move on to<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134581"> SSI - Server Side Includes.<p>Although in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134582"> real world, it depends on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134583"> guy/girl managing your server whether you can use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134584"> SSIs or not, assuming you can use them, you should know how and why to use them. First, why?<p>The use is somewhat akin to<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134585"> external CSS. One change, and it is reflected through<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134586"> entire web site, even if there are thousands of pages. <p>The ideal use is<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134587"> navigation bar. Of course you know that every web site deserving to be called a web site must have a navigational system so that you can explore it in an amiable manner. On this web site - http://www.Bytesworth.com - if you can see those gray buttons on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134588"> right hand side, they help you navigate through hundreds of information pages.<p>To facilitate hurdle-less navigation, these buttons should be on every page, so that you can immediately click to<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134589"> section of your desire, irrespective of where you are loafing around. <p>This is achieved by including<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134590"> line<p><!--#include file="nav.inc" --><p>Where "nav.inc" is some file you deem fit to include. The extension "inc" does not have any technical implication in this case - you can have any extension. Whatever code is there in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134591"> included file, gets included in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134592"> HTML file. So wherever you want to use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134593"> include file's content, append<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134594"> above line where you want<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134595"> output to appear.<p>There is another way to include file such as <!--#include virtual="nav.inc" -->, but for<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134596"> time being, you can do without it.<p>Including a navigation bar is not<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134597"> only utility of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134598"> SSI's. You can come up with complex ASP and CGI codes to include in your page, but that is beyond<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134599"> scope of this tutorial, at least at<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134600"> moment.<p>Another thing to keep in my mind while making pages that are destined to have included files in them: there extension should be SHTML rather than HTML or HTM. This extension informs<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134601"> ignorant server that<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134602"> file being loaded is going to use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134603"> SSIs.<p>In<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 134604"> next section, we are going to deal with a navigation bar, and how to use tables (remember them?) for it. We'll also learn how to define bulleted list.<p> <br><img src="images/ata.gif"><br> <p>Amrit Hallan is a freelance web designer. For all web site development and web promotion needs, you can get in touch with him at http://www.bytesworth.com. For more such articles, visit http://www.bytesworth.com/articles and http://www.bytesworth.com/learn You can subscribe to his newsletter [BYTESWORTH REACHOUT] on Web Designing Tips & Tricks by sending a blank email at Bytesworth-subscribe@topica.com<br><br><br></font></td><!-- google_ad_section_end --></tr><tr><td>    <a class="mlink" href="Putting_an_ADD_TO_FAVORITES_button_on_your_page-34580.htm"><</a>Back to Page 1</td></tr></table><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5766870852072819"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_channel ="8831454965"; google_color_border = "CFB9A1"; google_color_bg = "CFB9A1"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "431B02"; google_color_text = "431B02"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="770" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="48" align="center" background="images/bg_nav_bottm.jpg"><span class="style3">ImproveHomeLife.com © 2005<br> <a href="terms.html" rel="nofollow">Terms of Use</a></span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> var HASH_ESCAPED="%23"; function TrackIt(adUnit){ if (window.status) { var adDomain = escape(window.status.substring(6)); var pyPage = document.location.pathname; var params = document.location.search; var hasAnchor = params.lastIndexOf(HASH_ESCAPED)!= -1; params = hasAnchor? 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