Putting Your Expert Team Together

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

Seeing this from another angle -- think ofrepparttar topics you frequently write about or if a business owner or employee what you need support on from time to time. Start by making a list of those topics and then search to fillrepparttar 104417 list starting with friends and then emanating outward.

What aboutrepparttar 104418 authors ofrepparttar 104419 books you read? Orrepparttar 104420 newspaper stories about local people? Do you belong to any groups? What experts do you know there? Place them on your Expert List. Remember though,repparttar 104421 key is that you only want to place them onrepparttar 104422 list if you feel comfortable contacting them and know them in some slight way. If not, then you need to takerepparttar 104423 initiative.

The hero in this is that you begin and you feel comfortable enough to ask. Here’s a tip--people want you to ask. They are proud of their expertise, it has taken them years to obtain their knowledge, and they are proud of that. Rightly so.

If you don't know them, pick uprepparttar 104424 phone and introduce yourself. Choose to add one a week to your schedule. Explain why you are calling, what you do, and offer to exchange each other’s contact information. Trackrepparttar 104425 date of your contact and other tidbits they've shared. Always ask permission if you can contact them again.

Are you an officer of a group? How about a member of a writer’s group? Host an Expert Party. This could turn into a yearly event. Invite experts relevant to your focus. Start with professors and teachers. Charge a fee to members to pay forrepparttar 104426 expert’s attendance. Invite vendors, however, I suggest keepingrepparttar 104427 event charge-neutral (no selling).

For nonfiction articles, ProfNet (http://www.profnet.com) is an excellent place to find experts to interview. Passrepparttar 104428 synergy around, create an Expert 100 List, and more importantly stay in touch with them. If they sell their knowledge and you are not a writer be rest assure that if you crossrepparttar 104429 threshold of their f*ree point they will tell you.

Catherine Franz is a Cetified Coach with niches in product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction/marketing writing and eduction. Additional tips: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

Startling Facts...

Written by Jim Green

Continued from page 1


The All-in-One Start a Business Masterplan will empower you to conceive your own exclusive blueprint for a happy, successful and rewarding small business operation. Plans are great things. They show you where you are going, what to do, and how to do it when you get there. Make no mistake though; you will not be creating this blueprint just to get you started. It’s going to be around for a long time and you will want to review and update it regularly to take account of twists and turns alongrepparttar way. That’srepparttar 104416 beauty of it. When you have a blueprint for success, you can legislate for change. Without one you cannot; you’ll be likerepparttar 104417 explorer inrepparttar 104418 jungle without a map.


What this is not is a hotchpotch of miscellaneous lame-brained notions and opinions cobbled together to create a sycophantic litany. The All-in-One Start a Business Masterplan isrepparttar 104419 genuine product of my own personal experience as a successful small business owner offline and online. It consists of 4 comprehensive tutorials, 60 full blown chapters, 555 pages, and covers every aspect of single-minded entrepreneurship: galvanizing into initial action, getting started on your plan, settling on an idea for your enterprise, tackling initial teething problems, overcomingrepparttar 104420 threatening scenarios everyone encounters alongrepparttar 104421 way, and settingrepparttar 104422 course for a lifetime of fulfilment and enrichment. The good,repparttar 104423 bad, andrepparttar 104424 in-between are all recorded: where I hitrepparttar 104425 target plumb center, where I screwed up, and how I put it right.

Jim Green is a successful Networker and bestselling author with a string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit. His All-In-One Tutorial is available at http://www.writing-for-profit.com/start-a-business.html

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