Putting Sound on your Web Site - Part 3

Written by John Rickey

Continued from page 1
is high as you want your melody to sing out aboverepparttar other parts. If you can't get enough volume, make a copy ofrepparttar 134638 melody on another track. Pan each melody part left and right and volume will be increased. Remember there is no way to add reverb to midi but you can give a reverb effect by making copies of a track and duplicating each track with an increasing delay. 2)Then add quantizing torepparttar 134639 melody. Look atrepparttar 134640 music. If you see eighth notes asrepparttar 134641 fastest note, then quantizerepparttar 134642 track to eight notes. Quantizing is a method pullingrepparttar 134643 notes torepparttar 134644 nearest beat. For example if you quantized an eight note part ofrepparttar 134645 melody to quarter notes,repparttar 134646 melody would be doubled up into quarter notes and wouldn't sound correct. If your timing is poor, you may need to quantize an eight note melody with a sixteenth note quantization. 3)Once you're sure your melody is rhythmically correct and in place. The other music parts can fit into place. It's important though that your initial melody be correct. 4) Next add a bass and drum part. Again it will be important to quantize these parts. The volume should be a bit lower thanrepparttar 134647 melody sorepparttar 134648 melody can sing out. 5) Next add a background part such as voices or strings etc. A good idea is to make a copy of this part on another track. Then pan each of tracks left and right givingrepparttar 134649 background music some depth. Some instruments don't sound as good as others on MIDI. Good instuments to use are piano, nylon guitar, bass, drums,vibes, strings. Instuments that don't sound as good are sax and brass. There are many more ways to achieve great sounding effects in MIDI but it would take a book to write them all down. Remember to keep it simple. Don't crowd your arrangement!

John Rickey is an experienced MIDI arranger. He graduated from University of Toronto with a degree in music and has worked from studio recordings to Movies with his arranging. You can contact him at kingskid@netrover.com or visit his MIDI Design Site at http//www.scugog-net.com/room108/midi/container.html


Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

Virtually all of these hosts have very easy-to-use utilities to create very nice home pages. They let you edit right from your web browser, add pictures, even include nice things like guestbooks and counters. These utilities are a great place to start.

My advice is to just pick a provider and jump right in. Get your feet wet. Yeah, your first efforts may not be perfect, but you've got to start somewhere. Enjoy yourself and have fun.

If you find after a while thatrepparttar provider that you chose doesn't meet your needs, switch and start over with another one. Until you find a provider that you are happy with (fast, easy-to-use, up most ofrepparttar 134637 time) keep you homepage small. Once you find one you are happy with, go to town.

Now spend some time working on it. Do a little every day if you can, or at least a few days a week. Just keep working on it. When you get a version ofrepparttar 134638 site that's "done" (all pages finishes, no under construction signs, links working, etc) submit it torepparttar 134639 search engines (http://www.internet-tips.net/Advertising/searchengines.htm) so other people can enjoy your work. Remember thatrepparttar 134640 search engines take a few weeks or months to list your site, so don't expect visitors overnight. Then practice using some ofrepparttar 134641 other promotion techniques discussed in "advertising" (http://www.internet-tips.net/Advertising/Advertising.htm).

Now just keep working on your home page. Get as fancy as you like. You'll learn about graphics, HTML, and many other things. You've begun an adventure which has more rewards than you can imagine.

At some point you will begin to pushrepparttar 134642 limits ofrepparttar 134643 free host/web based homepage editing technology. You will start to get frustrated because something you want to do is difficult or cannot be done at all.

Now isrepparttar 134644 time to begin to learn about new things. Now you will want to learn HTML, perhaps buy a nice HTML editor and go to town. Most likely, by this time you will want to re-create your site anyway, so pick an editor and go for it. If you don't want to dorepparttar 134645 whole thing over, there are techniques to get your site down to your own hard drive (learn about FTP). Perhaps you will need to find a new host - there are hundreds and hundreds of them.

There is an added benefit to doing all of this - you are learning skills which will be of use throughoutrepparttar 134646 rest of your life. This will be useful in many jobs, and if you become good enough, perhaps you will have found yourself a possible new career. Atrepparttar 134647 very least, you may make some new friends and have a great adventure.

It's better than sitting at home watching television, isn't it?

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: http://www.internet-tips.net Weekly newsletter: http://www.internet-tips.net/joinlist.htm Daily Tips: mailto:internet-tips@GetResponse.com

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