Put Teeth into Internet Fraud Complaints

Written by Guy Hartmann

Continued from page 1

A good example of what to report is if you have received an email promising that you have won a MicroSoft X-box - if you have - DELETE IT !! There have been many complaints about fradulent spam regarding this. Victims have never receivedrepparttar X-Box and sometimes have had additional charges put on their cards. The old addage rings true, if it's too good to believe then it's probably not true.

Your best protection is to check out any offers or prizes BEFORE you give them your account information as "free lunches" usually turn out to berepparttar 111166 most expensive.

Guy Hartmann is a community educator and often contributes at Quantum-Links.com

Surviving a C-Section

Written by Lee-Anne Robert

Continued from page 1

4) Whenrepparttar time comes andrepparttar 111165 nurses and/or doctors tell you to walk around, do try. It may be difficult but do try to do a little walking if and when possible. It helps to alleviaterepparttar 111166 stomach gases that are very much a part ofrepparttar 111167 discomfort you feel after a C-section.

5) The day arrives when you and your newborn can finally go home. Enlist support! Ensure that you have family, friends or loved ones to assist you and, once again, do not be afraid to ask for help. Do not try to be supermom! I was fortunate to have a supportive family at home and could not imagine going throughrepparttar 111168 recovery without them. It will take you 6 weeks to fully recuperate from a C-section, afterall, it is major surgery.

6) Do not pick up heavy items. Remember, you have just had surgery and your incision is inrepparttar 111169 healing process.

7) Ensure that you eat healthy and drink lots of water. This is important to ensure that your digestive system returns to normal.

8) Get plenty of rest and take time for yourself. Vital for recuperation is to get plenty of est. Enjoy this period of relaxation because you have many years of motherhood to go!

9) Enjoy this special time with your new baby!

Oh, 18 months afterrepparttar 111170 birth of my daughter, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy via a scheduled C-section. The second C-section was easier. I am grateful to have two healthy children who arerepparttar 111171 joy of my life, irregardless of how I delivered them.

A proud mother of two healthy young children and owner of Cuddles ‘n Gifts, http://www.cuddlesngifts.net Copyright @2004

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