Publish it...

Written by Phil Basten

Continued from page 1

* What doesrepparttar story mean to me? * How does this story affect my life? * What does it make me think about? * What feelings rise up as I think about it? * Why do others need to hear this story?

What you are doing here is miningrepparttar 120405 essence of repparttar 120406 story so you can impart its wisdom to your readers in way that will affect them positively.

Sub it...

Once you haverepparttar 120407 broad idea for your story. Write it down. Then go through it a number of times with a fine tooth comb and pick out 4-5 places where you can insert a sub-heading.

Sub heads grabrepparttar 120408 readers attention and draw them intorepparttar 120409 next part ofrepparttar 120410 story.

This will also tell you whether your story has continuity. Does it make you want to readrepparttar 120411 next paragraph.

Publish it...

Once you have your story written, researched it so its factually accurate, told it in plain English, woven your enthusiasm throughout it and you're happy withrepparttar 120412 finished product...


Get it out there. Send to ezine owners who are looking for good articles to use in their ezines. There are thousands of publishers onrepparttar 120413 web who constantly search for good articles to share with their readers.

Here are a few good places that may publish your finished work and they are free...

Andrepparttar 120414 point is...

Don't be afraid to write an article or submit it. If it's accepted and gets published you could see a sudden influx of new readers and buyers fast.

------------------------------------------------------ Phil Basten is Co-Editor of The WebPro Times. Phile and his partner, Jane Mark, have been helping marketers to succeed online for more than 7 years though their company JPE Advertising Get the latest tip, tools and tricks available. Subscribe to the WebPro Times now and get 5 fabulous free gifts just for signing up ------------------------------------------------------

Don't Get Mad About Viral Marketing

Written by Chris Brown

Continued from page 1

It’s all about what you include to promote your product and where you sendrepparttar people that enjoyed your ‘viral’ product.

Ideally, anything that you give away (or sell) withrepparttar 120404 purpose of spreading like a virus should ultimately getrepparttar 120405 reader, user or customer to take a desired action.

You might simply want to get people to visit your site or perhaps you want them to follow a link to your order page and immediately purchase your product or service. The key here is that your viral marketing tool must showrepparttar 120406 users why they should take your desired action.

If you sell vitamins and you give away a report aboutrepparttar 120407 benefits of vitamins then your report is going to have to showrepparttar 120408 readers why they need to buy your vitamins and it’s going to need to send them out to buy your vitamins. In other words, once you’ve shown your patrons why they need to take this desired action then you’ve got to ask to them act.


Another point I would like to bring up is this; your viral product can be your ‘main’ product as well. Don’t limit viral marketing to just ‘add-ons’ that market your main product. You can build these ideas right in to your next product by adding features that will make customers (want to) recommend it to others.

Remember this, Hotmail didn’t makerepparttar 120409 users ‘want to’ recommend Hotmail, instead, Hotmail gave users no choice. Currently, I believe that you can probably upgrade and remove those messages (if they even still haverepparttar 120410 tiny add atrepparttar 120411 bottom), but for years Hotmail had enjoyed ‘free advertising’.


Before I leave you thinking about these ideas, let me throw out a ‘step by step’ plan. This is by no meansrepparttar 120412 best or only way; this is only a starting point.

1. Create a ‘viral’ product by providing information (or entertainment) while bringing interest to your ‘main’ product.

Keep in mind, this can’t be ‘just an advertisement’; your viral product has got to be useful forrepparttar 120413 users. If people don’t need it, they aren’t going to pass it on to others.

2. Include information that pullsrepparttar 120414 user toward taking your desired action (such as following an order link). Once again, be sure that this does not come inrepparttar 120415 form of advertisement; this has got to be subtle.

3. Showrepparttar 120416 user how to give awayrepparttar 120417 ‘viral’ product, show them how they can benefit from giving away your ‘viral’ product and ask them to give it away.

Many ‘viral’ products are brandable; this means that a user can change out some links or add their link to a specific area ofrepparttar 120418 product. Letting people customize your product will make them want to give it away.

The preceding steps will serve as a guideline to creating a viral marketing tool; they arerepparttar 120419 basic ‘must know’ steps to virally promoting your product.


With so many ‘marketing tactics’ available to us, it can be hard to pick or choose a good one. Don’t get overwhelmed, get educated. With a little bit of research and a clear idea of which promotions will work for you, you will be building a successful business that will push you towards and even beyond success.

Viral promotion is a powerful way to drive targeted customers to your product or to your web site. If you haven’t already tried it then I urge you to explorerepparttar 120420 advantages of this explosive marketing strategy.

As you rummage throughrepparttar 120421 myriad ways to market your product, service or your self, always keep in mind that if your marketing is contagious, it will spread it’s self for free.

Stay positive and enjoy your success!

Chris Brown is the owner of – an informative site – dedicated to those of us who work from home or really want to make money. If you are interested in *top quality* home business opportunities, tips about making money online and help from a straightforward friend that works from home, Don’t Delay. Break on through to

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