Publicity: Nailing an Media Interview, Part III (Staying on Topic)Written by Ned Steele
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Don’t be afraid to bridge. If reporter asks, “Well, how do they feel about that in Argentina?” and you have nothing to say about Argentina, diplomatically acknowledge that question is valid. For example, say "That's a good question. I don't focus on Argentina in my practice, but I can tell you what my clients are saying." Then move back to your topic – gently but firmly.

Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit or call 212-243-8383.
| | Marketing-Minded Financial Planners: Put Extra Content in an E-ZineWritten by Ned Steele
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You don't have to be tech-savvy or even tech-competent to create an e-zine these days. Plenty of services now do all tech stuff, design work, and bulk e-mail distribution for you…. for pennies. They are web-based, so you don't even have to download a program, and you can write your e-zine from anywhere. Once you spend an hour doing basic set up work, all you do is write a few clever words, they automatically fall into an appealing-looking template, and are then sent to your list.

Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit or call 212-243-8383.