Public Schools Are Un-AmericanWritten by Joel Turtel
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Look again at phrase from Declaration that says, “governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of governed.” The “governed” means all people, not just some, not a minority, and not a majority. It means that all citizens, including parents, have same inalienable rights. That phrase also means that government is our agent, not our master. It means that we, as free human beings, voluntarily grant limited powers to government for a specific purpose, to protect our natural rights. It means that government should only have those powers we specifically grant to it for that purpose. Yet, nowhere in Constitution is word “education” mentioned. The Constitution did not give federal government any right or power to control how parents educate their children. By implication, state governments do not have any such right or power either, because such a power would violate our fundamental liberties. Nature and justice confirm that parents have right to decide who educates their children. Like parents of all species, most human parents protect and nurture their children and teach them skills and knowledge they need to survive. Parents in all cultures make teaching their children a first priority. Since reading, writing, and arithmetic are skills needed to prosper in a modern society, it stands to reason that most parents will find a way to teach these skills to their children if means are available. Joel Turtel is author of “Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children."

Joel Turtel is the author of “Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children." Website:, Email:, Phone: 718-447-7348. Article Copyrighted © 2005 by Joel Turtel. NOTE: You may post this Article on another website only if you set up a hyperlink to Joel Turtel’s email address and website URL,
| | Is ADHD a Real Disease?Written by Joel Turtel
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Because these medical conditions can cause some or all of ADHD’s symptoms, it becomes next to impossible for any teacher, principal, or family doctor to claim with any certainty that a child has ADHD. To be certain, a doctor would have to test child for all these other possible medical conditions. Since parents or doctors rarely do this, every diagnosis of ADHD is suspect, to say least. Any of these medical conditions, normal personality variations, emotional problems, or outside-the-classroom stress-factors can disturb a child’s attention, natural enthusiasm, or desire to learn in class, and make child exhibit symptoms of ADHD. Yet, as psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin, author of "Talking Back To Ritalin," and director of International Center for Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, notes, “These are types of [normal] children who get diagnosed as suffering ADHD and who get subdued with stimulants and other medications.” Many reputable authorities, such as Dr. Breggin, deny that ADHD, disorder for which Ritalin is most commonly prescribed, even exists. Researchers have found no valid physical evidence of disease or laboratory medical tests to prove it exists. Parents, do not fall for ADHD propaganda that public school authorities are now attempting to force on you and your children. ADHD turns out to be a bogus disease. Many public schools now use this bogus disease as a convenient excuse to "treat" normal but bored children with mind-altering drugs. I also urge you to read Dr. Breggin's book, "Talking Back To Ritalin." Joel Turtel is author of “Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children."

Joel Turtel is the author of “Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children." Website:, Email:, Phone: 718-447-7348. Article Copyrighted © 2005 by Joel Turtel. NOTE: You may post this Article on another website only if you set up a hyperlink to Joel Turtel’s email address and website URL,