Psychic Healing: Anti-Aging Techniques

Written by Dale Power

Continued from page 1

Feel free to pick and chose amongst these techniques based on your personal needs. There is no current “best” formula. You might notice greater results by picking one or two techniques and using them for twenty minutes each day for a few weeks, then adding other techniques, while shorteningrepparttar time spent onrepparttar 113665 first ones to a few minutes per day. Consistency of practice and makingrepparttar 113666 effort arerepparttar 113667 important parts, so stick with it!

*Be your younger self! Rememberrepparttar 113668 way your body and mind felt when you were younger? Once you do, hold that concept! If held clearly (as clearly as you can, without your mind drifting too much) for twenty minutes to an hour, you will build a psychic field that will actually begin to return you to that younger age! Just as it took some time to age it will take time to reverserepparttar 113669 process, so give it a chance to work. You will most likely feel positive effects in a few days.

*Focus on clarity! Holdrepparttar 113670 concept of your mind feeling and being clearer! When done correctly this is a very circular idea. You focus on clarity, your mind gets clearer, allowing you to focus more clearly, making your mind even sharper! I often use a similar technique before doing any psychic or mental work. It can almost doublerepparttar 113671 effect of your efforts!

*Feel healthy! It may seem counter intuitive at first, especially if you are currently ill, but if you can holdrepparttar 113672 idea of how it feels to be healthy, you can overcome pain and injury at a much faster rate. By “feeling healthy” I mean that you should holdrepparttar 113673 concept of your own health. This createsrepparttar 113674 conditions for simple re-patterning. Literally an alteration of your psychic field torepparttar 113675 desired state.

*Increase your energy! Feel energy build in a small, but growing ball inrepparttar 113676 middle of your head. Letrepparttar 113677 ball of energetic feeling fill your brain and work down you spine into your body. Maintain this concept. You will soon have many times your previous vigor. Even a few minutes of this will give your entire body/mind a boost! It causes your body to speed up your metabolic rate and release needed neuro-transmitters. I have used this technique to replace caffeine and to help increase weight loss. It is simple, but it works.

*Let go of stress and pain! Imagine a hollow tube running downrepparttar 113678 center of your body. Let this feeling of hollowness reach every part of your being. Within a few moments you will likely feel a relief from stress and pain. Now hold on to this concept. With a good solid psychic field running you will feel pain and stress less acutely and feel more comfortable as you go through life.

*Focus on joy! Most people just let their emotions happen to them and do not try to control or condition them. By feelingrepparttar 113679 idea of joy and holding it, you not only releaserepparttar 113680 “happy chemicals” of your brain, beta endorphins, but condition yourself to be more likely to release them inrepparttar 113681 future. You can use this same basic technique to induce or control any feeling.

Remember a time when you felt really happy. Focus on that emotion and try to relive exactly how it felt. As it comes into being concentrate onrepparttar 113682 sensations ofrepparttar 113683 state and make them grow stronger.

There are more specific techniques that a practitioner might use to help a person in their anti-aging efforts, but these arerepparttar 113684 basics. With these techniques, if applied well and regularly, you can strip years off ofrepparttar 113685 way you look and feel, increase your energy and return your body to a healthier state.

Dale Power is a psychic healer, researcher and educator that has been focusing on ways to improve psychic functioning in humans for the last twenty years. Go to: to find out more about the work being done.

Depression: Don't Let the "Blues" Get You Down.

Written by Larry Denton

Continued from page 1

When you're depressed: you cry a lot and it doesn't go away; you feel guilty for no reason; life seems meaningless and empty; it's hard to make up your mind; you feel worthless; you forget lots of things and it's hard to concentrate; you feel restless and tired most ofrepparttar time; you think about death or feel like you're dying.

Not everyone who is depressed experiences every one of these symptoms. Andrepparttar 113664 severity ofrepparttar 113665 symptoms can vary withrepparttar 113666 individual and over a period of time. Some ofrepparttar 113667 more common symptoms include: an "empty" feeling (ongoing sadness), lack of energy, pessimism, difficulty in concentration and decision making, insomnia, appetite loss or overeating, being irritable, crying too often or too much, feeling worthless or hopeless, and thoughts of death or suicide.

Having these feelings doesn't mean that a person is a means they are ill and in need of treatment. There are a number of medical treatments now available and they do work--usually within a matter of weeks. There is no single cause of depression, but remember, it is a real medical illness and it IS treatable.

Most people with depression can be helped with psychotherapy, medicine or a combination ofrepparttar 113668 two. Psychotherapy means talking about your feelings with a trained professional who can help you changerepparttar 113669 relationships, thoughts, or behaviors that contribute to depression.

Medication has recently been developed that effectively treats severe and disabling depression. Anti-depressant medications are not "uppers" and are not addictive. Sometimes, however, several types may have to be tried before you and your doctor findrepparttar 113670 one that works best. As with most medical problems, there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution for depression.

The most important thing to remember--you are not alone! When problems seem too big and you're feeling low for too long, you CAN find help, it is affordable, and you CAN get better.

Larry Denton is a retired history teacher having taught 33 years at Hobson High in Hobson, Montana. He is currently Vice President of Elfin Enterprises, Inc. an Internet business providing valuable information and resources on a number of timely topics. For additional information, suggestions and valuable resources for dealing with depression, visit

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