Protection of the Intellectual Property in Russia

Written by Sergey Talpa

Continued from page 1

Enforcement Practice On July, 1, 2002repparttar new Administrative Violations Code (AVC) ofrepparttar 103233 Russian Federation came into effect which stipulates administrative responsibility for copyright infringement and illegal use of trade marks. The procedural part ofrepparttar 103234 Code states that customs bodies haverepparttar 103235 right to file reports ofrepparttar 103236 above-stated intellectual property rights infringements discovered during customs control. The reports, filed by customs bodies serve as a legal ground for court judgments imposing administrative penalties and fines and/or confiscation ofrepparttar 103237 imported goods that violate copyright or other intellectual property rights or trade marks. The state bodies conductedrepparttar 103238 analysis ofrepparttar 103239 trade mark protection enforcement practice. The conducted study resulted inrepparttar 103240 development of guidelines and recommendations forrepparttar 103241 customs bodies on revealing and punishing offences connected to illegal use of trade marks. Those guidelines definerepparttar 103242 actions and serve asrepparttar 103243 legal ground for customs bodies actions and are based on concrete examples.

Customs bodies of foreign states control from several thousand up to several tens of thousand of trade marks. The customs bodies of Russia, according torepparttar 103244 information of legal rights owners, control about 450 trade marks which are filed withrepparttar 103245 intellectual property register ofrepparttar 103246 State Customs Committee of Russia.

The next step is to develop methodical recommendations concerningrepparttar 103247 owner’s legal and adjoining rights. The analysis of court judgments shows that there is an urgent need to reviewrepparttar 103248 current judicial practice and submit it for consideration torepparttar 103249 Supreme Arbitration Court ofrepparttar 103250 Russian Federation. It is necessary to note, thatrepparttar 103251 first enforcement practice results have shownrepparttar 103252 necessity to updaterepparttar 103253 administrative violations legislation. In particular, it is required to add torepparttar 103254 Coderepparttar 103255 regulations on conducting investigations withrepparttar 103256 purpose of their qualitative pre-trial study and add legal permission to conductrepparttar 103257 necessary examinations. It would be expedient to increaserepparttar 103258 impeachment timeframe, as law breakers, in some cases, delay proceedings by every possible means, and go unpunished because ofrepparttar 103259 impossibility to impeach them just two months afterrepparttar 103260 date ofrepparttar 103261 offence.

The "Greys" Consolidate A tendency disturbing enough surfaced recently and is connected to "grey" importers joining efforts to counteractrepparttar 103262 measures adopted byrepparttar 103263 State Customs Committee of Russia and by customs bodies. The given counteraction is carried out as inrepparttar 103264 legal field (disputing in due orderrepparttar 103265 requirements of normative legal acts, appealingrepparttar 103266 actions of customs bodies and their officials), as withrepparttar 103267 use of financial and administrative resources.

The New Code – The New Opportunities Starting January, 1, 2004, when a shipment of products is suspected to be counterfeit,repparttar 103268 customs bodies are givenrepparttar 103269 right to detainrepparttar 103270 goods or delayrepparttar 103271 release ofrepparttar 103272 goods containing objects of intellectual property for up to 20 days, and to informrepparttar 103273 legal owner as well as a number of other rights. The turn-over ofrepparttar 103274 counterfeit goods will considerably decline in case ofrepparttar 103275 intellectual property legislation control at all stages ofrepparttar 103276 foreign economic transaction, starting withrepparttar 103277 signing ofrepparttar 103278 contract and followed by customs registration.

Copyright 2005 Russian business directory


"Boost Your Sales by At Least 80% with a 'Call to Action'

Written by Corey Rudl

Continued from page 1

- Easy and convenient to use

- Saves time

- Good forrepparttar environment

- Children can't get enough of it

- Your dog will never have fleas again

Mentionrepparttar 103232 problem your product addresses and present your product asrepparttar 103233 only real solution to that problem.

For example, you can urge visitors to: "Order now -- don't delay!" or you can add a more persuasive argument by stating: "Order now and boost your energy levels throughrepparttar 103234 roof in less than a week!"

Promise specific results and back them up with a guarantee. Instead of saying, "By using this product, you'll increase your sales," say, "Your sales will increase by up to 20% in 30 days or less -- guaranteed!" This establishes a higher perceived value in your product.

Whenever you can, include a persuasive tidbit that piques your visitors' interest or adds to your credibility. For example...

- A link that says "About Us" is informative, but doesn't give repparttar 103235 reader a good reason why they should care. A call to action like: "Discover why over 20,000 business owners trust us" is far more effective.

- A link that says "Products" is far less compelling than a link like this: "Click here now to findrepparttar 103236 best tool for repparttar 103237 job."

Encourage visitors to think of your product or service as something that already belongs to them. Transfer ownership by actually including them in your call to action: "Order now and your mirror will be showing a new you with a full head of hair in less than 60 days -- guaranteed!"

Try to instill a sense of urgency so your visitors feel compelled to make a purchase right away rather than leave and return to your web site later. You can create urgency in several ways. For example, you can...

- Limitrepparttar 103238 time for which your offer is available: "Available forrepparttar 103239 next 5 DAYS ONLY!"

- limitrepparttar 103240 quantity of products or services you offer: "Available only torepparttar 103241 first 100 people who order!"

- Include a discount for a limited time or on a limited quantity of products.

- Include bonus items for a limited time or on a limited quantity of products.

However, you have to follow through on any such claims you make, or your credibility will be ruined.


After your headline, your call to action is THE most important element on your web site. It should stand out fromrepparttar 103242 rest of your copy and be easy for your visitors to find.

In order to draw attention to it, use bolding, a larger font size, a different color -- whatever best suitsrepparttar 103243 style of your web site.

To testrepparttar 103244 effectiveness of your call to action, ask some friends to look over your homepage. How long does it take them to find your call to action? As a general rule, it shouldn't take people any longer than 3 seconds.

Don’t forget, your call to action is what reflectsrepparttar 103245 true purpose of your web site. It'srepparttar 103246 key that gets your visitors to do what you want them to do. Takerepparttar 103247 time to craft enticing copy that really encourages your visitors to take action. If you make people an offer they can’t refuse, your sales will really soar!


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... And this is justrepparttar 103253 tip ofrepparttar 103254 iceberg! Check it out at ... you'll be glad you did!

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