Proper Nutrition Can Make Your Kid a Top Student

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Continued from page 1

Not necessarily. Parents are discoveringrepparttar importance of nutritional supplements to balance out their diet, as well as their children’s diet. Nutritional supplements providerepparttar 112861 answer torepparttar 112862 closerepparttar 112863 gap created by a busy lifestyle andrepparttar 112864 need for better health. Adults can take multivitamins and mineral supplements out of their own determination for better health. Children, o­nrepparttar 112865 other hand, especiallyrepparttar 112866 younger o­nes, need to be educated, tricked or forced to take nutritional supplements. Any way you do it, it has to be done forrepparttar 112867 better future of your child.

Kids generally detest swallowing any sort of multivitamin pill, especially if it’s like really huge o­nes or if it tastes bad. Understandably for them, taste is more important thanrepparttar 112868 benefit ofrepparttar 112869 pill. Educating your kid is important inrepparttar 112870 long run, but younger children need to be introduced to supplements in a more subtle way. o­ne good way is by giving them chewable supplements, which disguiserepparttar 112871 fact that they are supplements by giving a good taste and flavor. Kids are generally more receptive to taking chewables than regular pills.

Another trend today is taking liquid nutritional supplements. Liquid nutritional supplements go o­ne step further than chewables by eliminatingrepparttar 112872 need of pill forms. Liquid nutrition can be diluted and mixed into our drinks, cereals and whatever else you eat duringrepparttar 112873 course of a day. Children today love taking liquid supplements that are mixed into their orange juice or other beverage. Even adults who hate taking pills are attracted to liquid multivitamin supplements. Liquid nutrition is also more readily and easily absorbed byrepparttar 112874 body.

Start Early to Determine Success

If you really want your kid to grow up smart and popular in school, you have to start early. Mothers should take Vitamin B supplements during their pregnancy months to ensure complete fetal growth. Even though nutritional supplements are generally not recommended to kids below 2 years, ensure that from that age o­n your children are introduced to taking chewable or liquid nutritional supplements.

Grade A students and kids who excel in school generally don’t have anything special that your kid does not already have. The o­nly difference is that they have parents who emphasizerepparttar 112875 benefits of good nutrition. Now that you know their secret, start today by analyzing your kid’s eating habits and take action to change their life, and yours.

Gobala Krishnan is a representative of Veriuni Nutritionals, a great solution for children and adults who don’t like taking pills. For more information o­n Veriuni Nutritionals and information o­n living a healthy lifestyle visit

Le Poem De La Sweat

Written by Ed Williams

Continued from page 1

Right straight ahead is a real foxy mama, Her tan lines remind me ofrepparttar Bahamas, Her work-out outfits couldn’t be more tiny, If she makes a quick move, I might glimpse her heiny.

As for me, I’m on a Stairmaster, A pretty good recipe for an impending disaster, My legs are feeling like concrete poles, If my brain were x-rayed, it’d be full of holes.

One minute goes by, then two, then three, The water gods are all calling out to me, My chest feels tight, my eyes feel glazed, If I don’t throw up, I’ll be mega amazed.

Finally, I finish, and I can go home, And sit my butt down, to finish this poem, Amy, my dear, I enjoyed this plenty, Now break out your purse and slip me that twenty.

Well, hmmmm. You know, I’ve gotta be honest here, Amy may be right. Poetry does bring out a tender, compassionate side within me that I never knew I had. To be totally truthful, I really struggled hard from an emotional standpoint while writing this poem, in fact, tears almost came to my eyes several times, but, I fought them off in order to do my literary duty. I guess I’ve sort of become a true Renaissance man, scripting out tender verses like these. It makes me feel pretty good inside, to tell yourepparttar 112860 truth. I would go further, and maybe get into some pretty heavy dialogue about philosophy or religion, but I can’t right now. I happen to be writing this on a Monday night, and RAW is WAR is about to come on. And, as we all know, even a true Renaissance man like me can’t miss out on seeing Triple H in action...

Ed’s latest book, “Rough As A Cob,“ can be ordered by calling River City Publishing toll-free at: 877-408-7078. He’s also a popular after dinner speaker, and his column runs in a number of Southeastern publications. You can contact him via email at:, or through his web site address at:

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