Proper Medical Identification could save your LIFE

Written by Rick Pack

Continued from page 1

Please help us and tell your family, friends, and co-workers about this important emergency product. You will probably be amazed atrepparttar responses. Everything from "I haven't gotten around to ordering one yet", to "my mother is with me at all times so she doesn't need one." We have tried to give examples of situations in which a medical id bracelet could play an important role, and some medical conditions that are in serious need for proper identification in an emergency. (such as Alzheimer's Care in our graying society)

It is easier to understand how medical id alert tags can help in an emergency situation when explained by example. Therefore here are a few real life situations to think about.

*When you are on vacation and not near your regular physician.

*Your family member (with Alzheimer's) is at a day program and you are not with them. (Alzheimer's Care)

*Child with bee sting allergy is at park with friends and gets stung.

*Sports oriented child with asthma. (Childhood Asthma Allergy

*Cerebral Palsy patient is rushed to hospital without caregiver.

*Diabetic child at camp passes out from high blood sugar.

*Child with severe food allergies spendsrepparttar 111229 night with friends.

*In accident while traveling and you are without your medical records.

*Coronary heart disease

*You or family member on blood thinners has another heart attack and (emergency personnel need to know this so they do not to give too much medication).

*Person with Epilepsy is around those who do not knowrepparttar 111230 symptoms.

Mentally challenged loved one who is not able to be with you 24 hours a day.

DNR wishes

*Shunts for dialysis patients, warn of incapability of blood pressure/injections in that arm.

*Who to contact for you if needed in any emergency situation and you are away from home.

Think about it, how would anyone know what medical conditions/allergies you have to begin to treat you. With proper medical id medical personnel have a head start, while you and your family know that you have a better chance now that you wear your medical id.

Hopefully now your are ready to get your Medical ID alert bracelet.

Your Patient Specific Medical ID Bracelet can be ordered on-line at which is sponsored by Diabetic Drug Store These ID bracelets are engraved exactly as your specify and could save your life.

Pharmacist, married, 3 children. Works in family pharmacy for last 30 years.

To Know You Is To Love You

Written by Skye Thomas

Continued from page 1

Nobody can truly be close to me and not know that Melissa Etheridge sings to my soul. You can't listen to her song Talking to my Angels and not think of me. If you really loved me enough to know me personally, you'd know that they'll be playing her song, This War Is Over at my funeral some day. You'd know that I long to visit Ireland and that I love fairies because I think they're our guardian angels. You'd know about "those two people" that I write these articles and stories for. You'd know what "the Winnebago Years" are all about. You'd know that when I'm really angry and losing control that you need to distract me with something logical to wrap my brain around and I'll suddenly start pulling myself back together. You'd know that lying is my biggest pet peeve.

What do I know aboutrepparttar people I love? I know that she doesn't drink caffeine anymore and always orders strawberry lemonades when we go to lunch. I know when he lies to protect me and when he lies to protect himself. I know byrepparttar 111228 look in their eyes, when my children are starting to get sick. I know why she keeps trying to become a vegetarian and why she fails at it. I know that music haunts his soul even though he's stuck working as a salesman. What would I know about you if I loved you enough to really get to know you?

Are we so wrapped up in ourselves, our careers, our own personal schedules and goals that we forget to really connect with our loved ones? When wasrepparttar 111229 last time you really checked intorepparttar 111230 hearts and minds of those you profess to love? We all change, grow, evolve. Are they stillrepparttar 111231 same people you fell in love with? How would you know? I'm not who I was fifteen or twenty years ago, or evenrepparttar 111232 same person I was five years ago. Are you? Are they?

What'srepparttar 111233 greatest gift you can give someone? Your full attention and focus. Takerepparttar 111234 time to really get to know them after all these years. Fall in love with them all over again. Get to know them as if you've just met. Of course you have to honor their secrets, be loyal, don't userepparttar 111235 information to play power games or to ever belittle them. That destroys trust. Userepparttar 111236 information to pick outrepparttar 111237 perfect Valentine's gift, to planrepparttar 111238 perfect vacation, to surprise them with a movie they've never seen but will love, or to simply bring them their coffee withrepparttar 111239 perfect amount of cream and sugar before they even realized that they wanted some.

It can be as simple as asking them, "Tell me about yourself. Tell me whatrepparttar 111240 world looks like through your eyes." Createrepparttar 111241 little moments that say 'I love you' by knowing what 'I love you' looks like to them.

Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

Skye Thomas began writing books and articles with an everyday practical approach to life in 1999 after twenty years of studying spirituality, metaphysics, astrology, personal growth, motivation, and parenting. After years of high heels and business clothes, she is currently enjoying working from home in her pajamas. Go to to read more of her articles and to get a free preview of one of her books.

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