Professionals Comment On Cancer Treatment

Written by Bill Henderson

Continued from page 1

Julian Whitaker, M.D.

4. An interesting quote from a drug company executive.

"...90% of prescription drugs only work 30% to 50% ofrepparttar time."

Allen Roses, M.D., Senior Vice President, GlaxoSmithKline, at a London Conference in December, 2003.

5. From a professor atrepparttar 101406 University of California.

"My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or surgery."

Professor Hardin B. Jones, Ph.D. See also:

6. And fromrepparttar 101407 only two-time Nobel Laureate.

"Everyone should know thatrepparttar 101408 "war on cancer" is largely a fraud, and thatrepparttar 101409 National Cancer Institute andrepparttar 101410 American Cancer Society are derelict in their duties torepparttar 101411 people who support them."

Linus Pauling, Ph.D.

7. Finally, fromrepparttar 101412 doctor withrepparttar 101413 second most popular medical website onrepparttar 101414 Internet.

"There is no way to be nice about this. There is no point in raising false hopes. There is no treatment or vaccine in sight. There is no miracle breakthrough onrepparttar 101415 horizon.

Medicine, as we know it, is dying. It is entering a terminal phase.

What began as an acute illness reachedrepparttar 101416 chronic stage about a decade ago and progression towards death has been remarkably swift and well beyond anything one could have predicted.

The disease is caused by conflict of interest, tainted research, greed for big bucks, pretentious doctors and scientists, lying, cheating, invasion byrepparttar 101417 morally bankrupt marketing automatons ofrepparttar 101418 drug industry, derelict politicians and federal and state regulators - all seasoned with huge doses of self-importance and foul odor."

Joseph Mercola, D.C. and Nicholas Regush, journalist. More at:

I am a "reporter," not a medical professional. I will follow this up with another article, offering you some specific ideas which my readers have found useful for dealing with cancer.

Bill Henderson is the author of "Cure Your Cancer" and "Cancer-Free." His books and 70 newsletters have helped over 600 people in 51 countries overcome their cancer in the last 4 years. He provides phone and e-mail answers to his individual reader's questions. His web site is:

Decorating for the Holidays When Short on Time & Money

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life & EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

Cheap tip for a real glow? Buy a fair-sized mirror, place it on your dining room table, buffet or mantel and cover it with tea lights. Beautiful!

You could achieve this same easy transition keeping green and brown for basic background and using accents of burgundy and rust. This is a more subtle look for Christmas thanrepparttar bright primary red, but it works just as well.

Also make some trips to your local Goodwill and Thrift Stores and visit some garage sales. People give awayrepparttar 101405 most amazing holiday decorations that can be yours for pennies. I’ve found everything – hand towels, wreaths, pillows, stuffed animals, wall pictures, water globes and statuettes. Since they’re used only for a short time, you hate to spend too much on them.

And here’s a neat tip. My Goodwill store has a selection of lamp shades and I haverepparttar 101406 lamps, don’t you? You can change out your lampshades to fit your decorating scheme. Did you ever think of that? It only takes a minute. Just make sure before you go that you know which kind of lampshades you have, and match them.

Oh and don’t forget to check outrepparttar 101407 picture frames atrepparttar 101408 resale shop. You could move a favorite photo to a holiday frame and place that up onrepparttar 101409 mantel as well.

In fact if you don’t already have some great holiday photos, take some this year. I have a great photo of my grand-daughter sitting with a pumpkin I move to a central location at Thanksgiving, and then a collage of my own children at former Christmases I bring out in December. I bought an ugly print at a garage sale that had a beautiful forest green frame, threw awayrepparttar 101410 print and substituted withrepparttar 101411 collage. It’s such a dear reminder.

And while you’re decorating, don’t forget yourself! Most thrift stores set up displays of holiday apparel you’ll want to take advantage of for you andrepparttar 101412 kids. Some planning ahead can help you save time and money and still allow for a festively decorated home forrepparttar 101413 holidays.

©Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life & EQ Coach, . Offering coaching, Internet courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development. for free ezine. I train and certify EQ coaches. Email me for information on this fast, affordable, comprehensive, no-residency program.

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