Problems or Opportunities?

Written by Clyde Dennis

Continued from page 1

And sorepparttar question, Which are you, a peacekeeper or a peacemaker? Do you see opportunities or do you only see problems? Are you busy keepingrepparttar 103118 peace, or are you actively confronting and resolving those issues in your life that are calling for resolution? How do you viewrepparttar 103119 challenges you are currently facing, annoyances or welcomed opportunities?

Do you look forward to and welcome opportunities that challenge and grow you inrepparttar 103120 process? Have you acceptedrepparttar 103121 fact that sometimes life is not comfortable but that "real life" happens inrepparttar 103122 midst of this discomfort? Are you content to accept what life dishes out or are you scratching and clawing inrepparttar 103123 trenches to pull from life and yourselfrepparttar 103124 things you want and deserve?

Which is it going to be for you, Victim or Victor? The choice is all yours.

I offer these as my final thoughts onrepparttar 103125 subject:

Those of us who are crazy enough to think we can changerepparttar 103126 world, our world, arerepparttar 103127 one’s who will surely do it. If you want to make your world a better place in which to live, start by seizingrepparttar 103128 opportunities that are right now before you.

Make that telephone call… Write that letter… Confront that person…Then tell them you love them. Accept that setback and move on torepparttar 103129 next battle… Sharerepparttar 103130 gift of ‘you’ with somebody, anybody. Forgive… Forget… Do something… Do Anything! Live!!

Thanks for sharing your time with me. I welcome your thoughts, comments.

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.


Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To" has been writing and publishing Articles and Newsletters online since 1999. Clyde's company EASYHow-To Publications provides "How-To" information on How-To do, be or have just about anything one can imagine. For more information visit Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to: cdennis at

Dish Network - Business Strategy Principles for your Home Business

Written by Nick Smith

Continued from page 1
call and talk to someone about it. Inrepparttar end,repparttar 103117 producer's relationship with you,repparttar 103118 consumer, affects their bottom line.

One ofrepparttar 103119 biggest concerns Dish Network faced inrepparttar 103120 new millennium was how to continue to provide their award-winning customer service cost effectively. Customer service was performed completely overrepparttar 103121 telephone at a cost of $5 to $15 each call. Dish looked to technology to provide additional venues where customer service interactions could play themselves out. This led to solutions that would be available throughrepparttar 103122 customer's satellite receiver at home and online solutions, whererepparttar 103123 customer could view and make changes to their account without requiringrepparttar 103124 services of an employee, thus providingrepparttar 103125 same customer service while cutting down on costs. The lesson that should be learned from this example is that technology, when implemented correctly, can save costs and increaserepparttar 103126 efficiency with which we are able to provide services to our customers.

The magnitude of work required to produce and integrate Dish Network's new customer service solutions is baffling. Now consider that they planned for and implementedrepparttar 103127 technological changes to their customer service process in less than five months. The home business principle to learn from this is speed is a necessity, not a luxury. To compete with your competitors, you need to providerepparttar 103128 same product at a higher quality, faster speed, or lower price. What changes do you need to make in order to streamline your business? Is there something that you are doing now that you could do without? By all means, weigh your options carefully and make a decision you feel comfortable with. But oncerepparttar 103129 decision is made, move on it. Your customers will appreciate your decisiveness and innovation.

Dish Network is a thriving business, due in large part torepparttar 103130 way they analyze and execute their business strategy. Using equal discretion, innovation, and decisiveness could boost your business as well.

Nick Smith is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. To order Dish Network service, visit I-Satellite.

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