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So, how do we make this entire conversion happen so that we start exercising consistently and make fitness a lifestyle change, even for those of us who don't find exercising all that pleasurable?
First, assign a meaning to exercise that is important to you. Second, start making some progress towards what is meaningful to you through exercising. Once you start getting
results you want,
MEANS of getting those results (in this case, exercising) will then start becoming pleasurable to you.
The Pain to Pleasure Conversion (PPC) Equation at Work An example of
Pain to Pleasure Conversion at work can be demonstrated through a series of "if/then" statements.
Weightlifting ("pain") = Don't DO*. *For example: "I don't lift weights because I'm not very strong and get intimidated by
weights at
gym. But, I want to reduce my stress and get stronger."
So, if: Living a less stressful life/having strength = Meaning
And if: Weightlifting = Burns off stress/gives strength
Then: Weightlifting = Meaningful
Then, after I start lifting weights and getting stronger and alleviating stress over time (i.e. progressing towards what is meaningful to me) I might find that: Weightlifting = Pleasure
And if: Weightlifting = Pleasure
Then: I will lift weights CONSISTENTLY and start loving every minute of it! And, if I start loving every minute of it, I will do it consistently
rest of my life!!** **Because, as
equation above shows, every single thing we do consistently in life we find pleasure AND meaning in it ... somehow, some way.
I know this sounds a little black and white, but if you think about it it's true. For example, you might say, well, I know people who CONSISTENTLY complain about everything. Isn't that oxymoronic? My response: absolutely not. That makes perfect sense. I've known plenty of people who find intense pleasure in complaining about everything. And so they do it ... all
So, by going through
PPC process, you can associate pleasure with exercise and start CONSISTENTLY practicing optimal self care
rest of your life even if it was once very painful for you.
It's that simple. I've seen it work over and over again. In fact, it has worked for me in my life and many of my clients. If you struggle with exercising or eating 'right' consistently, try PPC out and let me know how it goes.

Matt is a certified fitness trainer through the International Sports Sciences Association, author of numerous health and fitness related articles, an entrepreneur and investor and co-founder of the enormously popular website