Prescription Without The Pharmacy

Written by Sherri L Dodd

Continued from page 1

Guidelines included discussingrepparttar following topics withrepparttar 140246 patient:

•Assessing BMI and explaining whatrepparttar 140247 results mean •Referring to general nutrition of good health •Suggesting an approximate 500 calorie decrease inrepparttar 140248 person’s diet •Writing an actual prescription (nothing beats instruction in black and white form) •Giving Lifestyle amendments to expend calories, such as taking stairs instead of elevators or walking during a lunch break •Recommending a pedometer and a minimum of 10,000 steps per day •Introducingrepparttar 140249 benefits of strength training, and how to get started

Asrepparttar 140250 subject in our story discovered, metabolism begins to naturally slow down as we age, but there are actions we can take to helprepparttar 140251 situation. You do not have to wait for your doctor to write you a prescription for treatment. You do not even have to hitrepparttar 140252 local drugstore to obtain over-the-counter medicine. Exercise is a therapy that is always accessible to you and nothing beatsrepparttar 140253 resulting quality of life that it has to offer.

Sherri Dodd is the creator and author of Mom Looks Great - The Fitness Program for Moms. She is an ACE-certified Personal Trainer and Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant with over fifteen years of exercise experience. She has lectured to groups of 100+ people on her fitness plan and is a freelance writer on the topics of fitness and general nutrition as well as the humorous side of motherhood.

If we are eating 99% fat free, why are we 99% fat?!

Written by Sheridan Woodcroft

Continued from page 1

If you eat only low fat foods, most of them are low in fibre and also very high in carbohydrates. Because they’re low in fibre you have to eat more to feel full. So when you eat more, you take in more calories than you need, and your body storesrepparttar extra carbohydrates and calories as fat. That’srepparttar 140228 other side ofrepparttar 140229 low fat diet. Unless you eat low fat and high fibre, atrepparttar 140230 same time, you are more likely to gain than lose any weight.

Sheridan Woodcroft is a personal weight management and health and nutrition mentor. You can visit her website to find out more about a great low carb, high protein weight management program at http://www.WEIGHTLOSS-4U-PERMANENTLY.COM/?refid=article-31879

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