Practical Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Written by Bob Janeway

Continued from page 1

Measuring and Weighing

1. Measure your progress by dress size or pants size instead of pounds. Use a tape measure instead ofrepparttar bathroom scales. Why? One ofrepparttar 144676 by-products of eating healthy and exercising daily is converting fat to muscle. Muscle is denser, and weighs more than fat - but you're still getting smaller, and your clothing will tell yourepparttar 144677 truth.

2. Measure your day in steps - steps walked, that is. Countingrepparttar 144678 steps you walk each day and aiming to increase them to 10,000 steps daily is a great way to add exercise to your diet. By walking 10,000 steps a day, you can burn as many calories as you do when you do any ofrepparttar 144679 following:

- Swim for 90 minutes - Ride a bike for 70 minutes - Play 10 holes of golf (withoutrepparttar 144680 cart) - Walk 50 blocks - Play soccer for 90 minutes - Work for two hours in your garden

How do you fit in 10,000 steps? You can count every step you take duringrepparttar 144681 day - clip on a pedometer first thing inrepparttar 144682 morning and take it off last thing at night. (Hint: Invest in a pedometer!)

3. Measure your food forrepparttar 144683 first month. Our concept of portion size has been greatly distorted by restaurants, magazine ads and our own eating habits. Invest a month in learning what a real portion looks like - weigh or measure everything. Stay away from buffets until you have reached your goals or for a special treat.


1. Treat yourself well! Losing weight is something you're doing because you love yourself. Remember to reinforce yourself regularly for your hard work. You can do it! "If one man (or woman) can do it, another can!" (Anthony Hopkins in "The Edge")

2. Focus on your health, not your weight. Eat healthy, exercise sensibly, and focus on how you will feel when you reach your goal. See yourselfrepparttar 144684 way you want to be, but be realistic.

3. If you slip, forgive yourself and start again. After all, just one banana split never made anyone fat. Every day is a new day, and every day brings you closer torepparttar 144685 new you.

I have learned one important lesson in life; my health is my responsibility, not my doctors! Start here:

Homeowners Insurance

Written by Tim Gorman

Continued from page 1

Another disaster that generally is not covered in most homeowner’s insurance policies is flood insurance. Flood insurance is normally available throughrepparttar National Flood Insurance Program governed byrepparttar 144675 Federal Emergency Management Agency. This covers destruction caused due to high waters or flash floods. So basically if a flash flood causes water to penetrate your residence flood insurance as opposed to homeowner’s insurance will cover your loss. If you don’t know whether or not your home is located in a flood risk area you may want to inquire with your insurance agent and adjust your policy accordingly.

The burden of reviewing and updating a homeowner’s insurance policy lies onrepparttar 144676 homeowner. It is important to make sure you do this periodically to ensure that you maintain adequate coverage. Remain conscience of various improvements you make to your home whether you have recently remodeled or simply purchased new furniture or appliances. You must also remain cognizant of inflation and rises in property value. A home that was purchased for $32,000 in 1975 may be worth $150,000 in 2005. It is also wise to considerrepparttar 144677 year your home was built andrepparttar 144678 cost of building materials during that time. If your home was built inrepparttar 144679 1970s doesrepparttar 144680 building code ofrepparttar 144681 new millennium allow forrepparttar 144682 same construction standards? Don’t get underpaid inrepparttar 144683 event of a loss because you underestimatedrepparttar 144684 value of your home.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more insurance information and offers free money saving auto, life, health and home insurance quotes that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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